Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

(The late Richard Nadler was a close friend and mentor to me and others including John Berlau of the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Ramesh Ponnuru of National Review. His death last summer left a void in the...
Following are the resolutions I have proposed for Precinct #0054.Resolution on Pro-Life:BE IT RESOLVED that mandatory ultrasound legislation should be passed and that all provisions of the current platform...
The thorny issue of illegal immigration and how to deal with it came up during the Democratic debate last night between frontrunner Bill White and Farouk Shami.
Lauro Garza reopened the discussion over the stark anti-immigration language in the GOP, which also opened some discussion about l(L?)ibertarianism. What is most notable about these discussions is the resemblance the...
This is a plea to my fellow conservative Republicans! Did you attend a Tea Party prior to the 2010 election?
Continues from Charles Foster's previous post: “Four Major Myths of Opponents to Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Part 2 Immigration Myth #3 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Means That We...
Cardinal George's Statement.pdf
Cardinal Francis George, the Archbishop of Chicago and President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops made a statement while in San Antonio last week about immigration reform.  
…. Continues from Charles Foster's previous post:  “Four Major Myths of Opponents to Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Part 1Immigration Myth #2:All Undocumented Workers Will First Go Back...
One of the disturbing facts that makes it very difficult to have a rational discussion about the need for comprehensive immigration reform are a number of myths that are basic assumptions made by the opponents of...
According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, high ranking Republicans are starting to tone down harsh rhetoric toward immigration and trying to recruit more Latino candidates in "response to the party's soul-...
The Rise of Latino Conservatism was a session at the Conservative Political Action Conference sponsored by the American Principles Project and featured speakers Alfonso Aguilar, Grover Norquist, Karyme Lozano, and Mario...
The issue of illegal immigration was front and center for a few moments during Friday night's debate for the GOP nomination for governor.
Someone asked me if I realized Lou Dobbs had changed his tune on Immigration. I told them yes, because I had seen him on the O'Reilly Factor. Lou Dobbs has changed his tune and I am delighted!
A couple of weeks ago, CNN played a four-hour special called "Latino in America." By 2050, the U.S. Latino population is expected to nearly triple. CNN's Soledad O'Brien explores how Latinos are reshaping our communities and...
Once again a family is separated by the broken system we call our national immigration policy.
"Traitorous" ?? "Cowardly" ?? "Backstabbing" ?? "Sellout" ?? "Squishy Moderate" ????Most of us would probably only use these words to...
Here's an interesting article I ran across the other day written by Victor Davis Hanson. I agree with Hanson that there is no way to pull off a "mass exodus", and that we need to ship back the felons, and perhaps even the...



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