Sens. Cornyn, Wyden, Kirk, Klobuchar Push To Crack Down On Human Traffickers

"This bipartisan bill gives police and prosecutors the tools they need to go after sex traffickers and those who assist them."


WASHINGTON — U.S. Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) today introduced the bipartisan Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, which would empower law enforcement to further crack down on human traffickers in communities across the country while bringing about greater restitution and justice for victims. Read more about Sens. Cornyn, Wyden, Kirk, Klobuchar Push To Crack Down On Human Traffickers

Missed Opportunity at the Anti-Terrorism Unity Rally in Paris

Missing from the over 40 world leaders and 3 million people was President Obama or a senior representative of his administration.


My thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims of the terrorist attacks carried out by radical Islamists in France. Sunday, the world leaders of some of our closest allies in Europe and Israel attended a unity rally in Paris to show support for the victims and stand strong against terrorism. Missing from the over 40 world leaders and 3 million people was President Obama or a senior representative of his administration.

The Assault on Free Speech: Cedar Rapids

Racially provocative art inspires liberals to call for censorship!


In early December, an assistant professor at University of Iowa, Serhat Tanyolacar, installed a KKK robed sculpture to begin a debate on racism. Whatever his intention, the message did not get through and caused a firestorm, forcing Tanyolacar to apologize to the black community. After the initial brush up, Tanya Cohen wrote in Thought Catalog that it was a time to “get tough with Hate Speech.”

Ms. Cohen classifies herself as a human right activists, but her essay, “Here is Why It’s Time to Get Tough On Hate Speech In America,” is a tirade against freedom of speech. She writes, “The recent controversy at the University of Iowa – in which an 'artist' (supposedly an 'anti-racist' one) put up an 'art exhibit' which resembles a KKK member covered in

Christmas Drones

Ted Poe introduces legislation to protect your privacy from eyes in the sky


The Red Ryder BB gun is a ghost of Christmas past because, this year, Santa gave drones. Here a drone, there a drone, everywhere a drone. Just more eyes in the sky, and these eyes could be anywhere and on any person. How comforting is that?

It is estimated that by 2030, 30,000 drones will be over the skies of America. People are rightfully concerned that these eyes in the sky could be a threat to their constitutional right of privacy. Read more about Christmas Drones

Pro-Life Leader Clears the Air About Who’s a Lobbyist and Who Is Not

Undercurrents and key players in the fight for life


The battle playing out among the largest anti-abortion groups in Texas is difficult to understand without taking into consideration some of the undercurrents and becoming familiar with some of the key players in our great state’s politics. The widening rift between groups like Texas Right to Life and Texas Alliance for Life has much to do with differences in policy positions and endorsements of political candidates. But, it’s also about allied organizations of pro-life groups and who they support for Speaker of the Texas House, for example.

Texas Alliance for Life Executive Director Joe Pojman is an anti-abortion leader who strongly backs Speaker Joe Straus

The Assault of Free Speech: Paris

No room for free speech in the Islamic faith


Following the Paris massacre of the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo, USA Today allowed a London based radical Muslim cleric who “specialized in Sharia law” to state his view. Sometimes it is good to see what evil looks like, and Anjem Choudary made it clear that when the Prophet Muhammad is insulted, death follows. Read more about The Assault of Free Speech: Paris

Saving America's Workers

House passes resolution that would restore the 40-hour work week

Since the President signed his controversial healthcare law, the American people and businesses across the country have been subjected to sky-rocketing costs and burdensome regulations. On Wednesday the House voted on and passed H.R. Read more about Saving America's Workers

New Congress - What Happened this Week

Speaker elected, Keystone approved, Hire More Heroes Act


On Tuesday, the 114th Congress officially convened, and I was honored to be sworn in for the new session. With Republican control of the House and Senate, we have an important opportunity to stop the Executive’s disastrous, unconstitutional actions and pass legislation that cuts spending, grows our economy and provides our military with the resources it needs to protect our nation. Read more about New Congress - What Happened this Week

Sen. Cruz Responds to the Palestinian Authority’s Attempt to Dictate Terms to Israel

Congress must work to close the widening gap between President, Israel


In response to the Palestinian Authority’s attempts to dictate terms to Israel at the recent United Nations Security Council, I released the following statement in defense of Israel:

It is a sad day for the United States and Israel—and also for the Palestinian people.

Despite the Obama administration’s robust financial support for the Palestinian Authority, the President’s influence is so diminished that he has been unable to dissuade the P.A. from taking this reckless and counterproductive action at the United Nations. Our Israeli friends thus find themselves confronting not only deadly regional enemies—notably Iran

President Out of Excuses, Out of Touch on Keystone

Bill could be on President's desk as early as next week

The president is out of excuses and out of touch with the American people in his opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. After six long years of thorough review – including hearings held by the House Science Committee – we know that this pipeline will enhance our energy independence with minimal impact to the environment.


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