Federal Housing Agency’s Report Highlights Need for PATH Act


As Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, I released the following statement after reviewing the Federal Housing Agency’s (FHA) Annual Report to Congress Regarding the Financial Status of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance (MMI) Fund.

The report showed some improvement in the Fund’s net worth and capital reserve ratio. However, both numbers remain negative, with the Fund’s net worth estimated at negative $1.3 billion, and the capital reserve ratio at negative .11%; well below the 2% floor required by Congress. Read more about Federal Housing Agency’s Report Highlights Need for PATH Act

Congressman Turner Continues to Push for Military Sexual Assault Reforms in Compromised FY2014 NDAA

As Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, I commend House and Senate Armed Services Committees colleagues on their continued efforts to pass the FY2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). With the 2014 calendar year quickly approaching and the Senate currently in a stall, Committee leaders from both bodies have negotiated a comprehensive version of the bill intended to move through Congress this week.

This year, I have continued my work with the House and Senate Armed Services Committees and the Military Sexual Assault Prevention Caucus to create further legislation to combat the issue of sexual

Editorial - Why Border Security and Immigration Reform Are and Must Be Linked


On the right we hear, "The border must be secured" and on the left we hear, "We must fix our broken immigration system". Both sides are right, but for a wide variety of reasons both are wrong if they will not look at the issues put forward by the other side. Our nation's immigration system is broken and is in strong need of reform to meet the economic needs of our nation.  Our border security is lacking and continues to create a huge national security problem. Read more about Editorial - Why Border Security and Immigration Reform Are and Must Be Linked

Major Gun Battle Between Mexican Authorities, Cartel in Tourist Resort


A recent battle between Mexican authorities and a cartel in the popular Mexican resort town of Puerto Penasco, also known as Rocky Point, involved Blackhawk helicopter gunships, according to the Mexican government.

The operation was reportedly aimed at a Sinaloa cartel lieutenant named Gonzalo Inzunza, also known as “El Macho Prieto.” Five bodies have reportedly been recovered, yet the body of Inzunza was reportedly taken by surviving cartel members. Authorities still believe he was killed or injured in the attack. Read more about Major Gun Battle Between Mexican Authorities, Cartel in Tourist Resort

MERRY CHRISTMAS and the evolution of the modern day Santa Claus


Expressing Merry Christmas is covered under the 1st Amendment since it grants us Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. But in reality we are legislating to keep our traditions alive in our schools.

Fewer Presents, but an Indescribable Gift


My wife and I just returned from our first ever trip to the Holy Land. Especially at this time of the year, it was something we’ll never forget and hope all get to experience some day.

First, God showed us his sovereign power with a “100 year” snowstorm in Jerusalem that scrambled our plans as the ancient and most controversial of all cities in the world, Jerusalem, was shut down for two days. Without this snowstorm,

The Start of December's Constituent Work Period


This week kicked off my District Work Period in Texas. The House goes back in session in the nation’s capital on January 7, 2014. Here's a quick look at how I spent the first week of this Constituent Work Period and some of the people I met with across the district... (For more on this week, make sure to check out the photo album in the right sidebar).

In Bastrop, I met with city officials, local business groups and the Bastrop County Rotary Club to discuss what's happening in Washington and to listen to the issues of concern to them and their families.

Read more about The Start of December's Constituent Work Period

Bus riders put beat down on would-be robber (video)


Talk about thwarting a robber’s Christmas plans!

These bus riders sprung into action, the first being the man who had the gun put in his face! Imagine the courage it took to grab that pistol!

But what happens next demonstrates the TRUE American spirit, as others riders helped. Anybody looking at the nationality of the perp or the man who was to be the victim? Heck-to-the-NO! Read more about Bus riders put beat down on would-be robber (video)

Attempted Character Assassination Of Breitbart Protégé Brandon Darby

Article originally authored by Stephen K. Bannon and Larry Solov and published on Breitbart.com.

What the left fears it attacks most viciously: and what it fears most are apostates. Breitbart News contributor Brandon Darby, who the late Andrew Breitbart took in and mentored, is considered by the Left as such an apostate. Darby became an emerging voice of the center-right populist movement called the Tea Party after working undercover with the FBI to stop former comrades from killing Israel civilians and using firebombs to hurt law enforcement and stop Republicans from assembling at the 2008 Republican National Convention. Read more about Attempted Character Assassination Of Breitbart Protégé Brandon Darby


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