
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
Last week, the economic crisis in Greece continued to unfold when the country failed to make a scheduled debt repayment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Federal agencies with oversight over various industries are taking the problem of worker misclassification more seriously and are taking steps to rein in as many bad actors as possible, according to various reports.
Throughout American history, our economy has come roaring back after economic decline. However, because of the Obama Administration’s onerous regulations and continued federal overreach the United States has seen its slowest...
The week of June 22nd 2015 may simply be the week that represents the high point of the modern day leftist movement. Yes, they got gay rights, but they also got the Supreme Court to bail out Congress on Obamacare in one of...
Yesterday I reintroduced his Small Business Health Fairness Act (H.R. 2868), a health care solution that would allow small business employers to band together through association health plans (AHPs) in order to purchase...
A Texas lawyer has filed a lawsuit, and is attempting to have it declared a class action against the City of Houston, for the possibly illegal collection of drainage fees.
“Earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor; she groans in travail.” – Pope Francis (June 18).
As you may know, one of the issues being worked on in Congress this summer is trade. It’s a complex issue with a lot of acronyms that sound a lot alike, so let me explain. First, let’s talk about the acronyms and what they...
On June 11th and 12th, 2015 the U.S. House of Representatives voted on several trade bills: H.R. 1295, Trade Preferences Extension; H.R. 1314, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA); H.R. 1314, Trade Promotion Authority (TPA);...
Patrick Newman, a PhD student in the Department of Economics at George Mason University, discusses the depression of the 1870s, which is often cited as evidence of the economic instability of laissez-faire capitalism.
Shark finning is currently banned or regulated in an increasing number of countries and it is time the United States became a leader in the effort to eradicate shark finning permanently. Recently, the United Arab Emirates...
The New York Times has some wonderful Room for Debate pieces debating whether the American electorate is getting more liberal.
On Thursday, the Court issued a decision in King v. Burwell, ruling in favor of Obamacare’s federal insurance subsidies. I was disappointed with this ruling and believe the Supreme Court once again failed to...
Here at TexasGOPVote, more often than not, I'm focused on fiscal issues, and of course, government overreach. So, I'd like to bring your attention to something that actually falls under both of those categories; a little...
The following article was authored by Keith Weiner and originally published on
Last week—and with my support—the House passed the Protect Medical Innovation Act (H.R. 160) to repeal Obamacare’s medical device tax.
The House Judiciary Committee Wednesday approved the Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act of 2015 (H.R. 1643), by a voice vote.
Today I voted to give Congress and the American people control over the president’s existing power to negotiate trade agreements. Congress and the American people should have a say when it comes to trade agreements.
I released the following statement on the passage of the 2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Bill which funds the Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other...
I have received a lot of questions and phone calls about Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and I wanted to explain the differences between the two and ask for your opinion.



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