
Republicans must come together to stand for policies that strengthen the core of society: The traditional family. Marriage must be protected. Life must be respected. Liberals suggest the policies we embrace are “divisive wedge issues,” but they could not be more wrong. Policies that strengthen the family are essential to a GOP that keeps its core conservative principles.
The Texas Equal Parenting Bill HB 803 has been filed! It will make the new standard possession order starting point equal possession and access in custody cases when a Judge determines both parents are joint managing...
Alveda King
The late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. taught that people "must learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools," and his message still holds true in a nation that has become increasingly divided, his...
It is probably safe to say that most of us will not think fondly on the calendar year of 2020. "Annus horribilis" is the Latin term for a horrible year we would rather forget. Now we look forward to 2021 in the hope that...
Happy Birthday Jesus!Christians take this time to express our gratitude to God for giving us His only son to redeem us, and to celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.
Texas Equal Parenting law HB 803 should be passed this 2021 Legislative Session in order to uphold the Constitution and help millions of children being torn apart in Texas family courts due to unequal parenting standards,...
I released a video showcasing local volunteers and workers at Texas food banks and encouraging Texans to give back to them during the holidays if they can.
Fox News
It’s been a month since the election, and things haven’t improved for Fox News. They are still taking a beating. And it’s their own fault.
I recently had an opportunity to speak to about 100 state legislators about COVID rationality, making the strongest case I could, and calling on them to be the voices of the voiceless (i.e., the victims of lockdown we’re...
All across the country, Americans will celebrate the dearly won gift of freedom and the family and friends we are blessed to share it with. This tradition of gratitude is woven into the very fabric of our nation. As many...
Today, all across this great nation, we pause to pay tribute to the sacrifices made by our veterans and their families. Without their bravery and selflessness, we wouldn't be able to live in a nation that is a beacon of...
Although the 2020 elections did not turn out the way many of us hoped, let’s all stay positive. Most of us have a lot to be thankful for!President Trump did an outstanding job as our leader for four years. We should thank...
Our kids are hurting and even dying at staggering numbers when they do not have both parents involved equally in their lives. We must stop allowing the Family Court to contribute to this crisis and empower the Family Courts...
This Christmas, as so many families grapple with the challenges posed by the coronavirus, it is more important than ever to find renewed hope in celebrating the birth of Jesus.
US Capitol
Last night, Congress passed a year-end spending relief package, or omnibus.
covid vaccine
In a recent interview published by the Houston Chronicle, Congressman Michael McCaul discusses why he will be getting the COVID-19 vaccine and his support for Operation Warp Speed. 
Doris Miller
Seventy-nine years ago today, Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor resulting in the loss of 2,403 American lives. The next day the United States declared war against Japan, leading to the official beginning of US...
Eagle Scout
Uncertainty and weighty decisions plague the near future.  Texans are hurting from the coronavirus and the pandemic’s many consequences.  But – let’s have hope – I’m here to tell you our future is bright.
Mayflower Compact
I have to give Rush Limbaugh credit for “the rest of the story” of Thanksgiving on his show. It is a story about the failure of socialism and the successes of capitalism!
As with many other holidays this year, the pandemic will render these Diwali celebrations quite different.  But with large family gatherings on hold, we can still celebrate the abundance of good in this world.
Pfizer announced Monday that a COVID-19 vaccine developed with its partner, BioNTech, has proved to be more than 90% effective and that it plans to ask regulators for permission to sell the shot before the end of this month...



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