What is it with our government's over-the-top regulation these days? Not only is it trying to control our healthcare, our artwork, and our schoolchildren, but now the government is even trying to control our hard-working...
In his Web blog, Rich Karlgaard, publisher of Forbes, recently wrote about the importance of the small-business sector in avoiding a double-dip recession. Of his four potential causes for a second economic downturn, two of...
As Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission, I deal on a weekly and monthly basis with state and national unemployment figures.
I’m glad a post was put up to focus specifically on Democratic actions to deny the possibility of Americans to review a health care bill before it is voted on. Frankly, as has become the standard of late, even the...
The world felt like a more dangerous place Friday morning after Iran revealed that it actually has a second nuclear enrichment facility.I think it is important to say "felt like" because the reality of the danger has not...
Watch what happens when a man is caught holding an anti-healthcare poster...I thought this was America? Freedom of speech?
Given the disposition of The Fed and the executive and legislative branches of US government these days, money is just paper anyway- not representative of the real wealth of production. So, why bother with the useless means...
The following is a letter written to the editor of the Kerrville Daily Times, regarding Houston mayor Bill White's US senatorial campaigning in the Hill Country:
Over at National Review Online, Michael Ledeen has posted a speech given by Gen. Robert Scales,U.S.
A few people have sent me pictures of last Saturday’s rally in Washington, DC, and I’ve researched the photos and videos on the World Wide Web. I was in DC for the Promise Keepers rally in 1997, which is the only other time...
This talking point has been making the rounds from the Senate Republican Policy Committee:Senator Kerry just went on about the outrageous profits of health insurers who dominate the market and offer little choice to...
Senator Jon Kyl and I introduced legislation yesterday to renew several key components of the PATRIOT Act and address other national security needs.Recent events around the country, including my home state of Texas, remind...
I have a french-manufactured double barreled shotgun I use for bird hunting. It's a beautiful shotgun, but I take some ribbing for it when people learn it is French-made. I usually offer my pat answer, "Yeah, made in France...
An Associated Press article explains the proposal for Texas public schools to remove a mention of Christmas in the sixth-grade social studies plan and replace it with a Hindu religious festival.The draft proposal being...
Increasing spending sure has been the popular trend with the Democrats this year. Apparently, Florida leaders have been determined to sustain this trend:
In their urgent rush to force healthcare legislation, democrats IGNORE the Obama administration's assurances of government TRANSPARENCY to the public- previously blogged about on Texas GOP Vote, they IRRESPONSIBLY DISMISS...
My remarks in support of this amendment are below:
Now I'm not an anti-immigration leg-biter- I think immigration should be screened, ordered, and legal. The most hideous thing in the 2008 Republican presidential nomination campaign was Tom Tancredo calling for a moratorium...
Climate change fanatics continue to promote their population control and Planned Parenthood agendas by targeting "developing countries".
This video gives a good overview of the controversies regarding Texas public schools. Great job Neal Fry and Don McCleroy. You both were excellent!



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