
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
Any bipartisan deal to reopen the federal government and deal with DACA would have to legalize some of the DREAMers, increase border enforcement, amend the diversity immigrant visa program, and fund the construction of a...
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congress moved forward yesterday afternoon toward passage of a continuing resolution that reopened the government through Feb. 8.
It was understood with the surprise election of Donald Trump that enforcement action against immigrants would increase, striking fear within our large undocumented population, the vast majority of whom have lived and worked...
In the midst of time sensitive negotiations between bipartisan members of congress working to legislate a permanent solution for DACA, Judge William Alsup of the United States District Court for the Northern District of...
At a press conference Thursday, I discussed the path forward for a bipartisan solution to address the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program following a meeting at the White House. 
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) last week released a report that found that about 94 percent of foreign-born inmates in Federal prisons are illegal immigra
After gaining almost 400,000 new residents in one year, Texas is now home to 28.3 million people. 
Texas construction executives told state lawmakers this past week that there is an urgent need for more legal workers in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, a storm that worsened an already acute labor shortage along the Gulf...
The United States’ immigration system favors family reunification, even in the so-called employment-based categories.  The family members of immigrant workers must use employment-based green cards despite the text of the...
It is more than ironic that the Democrats, who run and control the Congressional “Hispanic” Caucus, recently denied Florida Republican Congressman Carlos Curbelo’s membership application. They denied Cong. Curbelo because,...
As the March 5th deadline at which point DACA recipients will begin to lose protection from deportation approaches, the topic of immigration reform has risen to the foref
The Trump Administration recently ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to stop issuing H-2A visas for temporary agricultural work to Haitians.  One of the reasons given for not allowing Haitians to use the visas...
Trump bipartisan meeting on DACA
Today in an unprecedented move, President Trump allowed the press to video record most of a meeting he held with bipartisan members of Congress to discuss a legislative solution to DACA. The president said that he would sign...
Today, President Trump tweeted, "Democrats are doing nothing for DACA - just interested in politics. DACA activists and Hispanics will go hard against Dems, will start 'falling in love' with Republicans and their...
Ali Noorani, Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum, took on Tucker Carlson on his show Tucker Carlson Tonight on December 21, 2017.
Co-written with Emma Ashford
Whether immigrants ever threatened the jobs and wages of the native-born once upon a time, they probably don’t threaten them now. There’s plenty of evidence that high-skilled foreigners raise the wages of high-skilled and...
With an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in America today, it’s safe to say our broken and outdated immigration system has failed.
On the Senate floor, I urged my Democrat colleagues to return to working with Republicans toward a solution for DACA recipients ahead of the President’s March 2018 deadline. Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee...



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