Annise Parker

Imagine you or a loved one finds yourself homeless. When one puts themselves in a homeless person's shoes, what's the first thing that usually comes to mind? If you're like me, the first thing that I think of is, how are...
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On Tuesday, November 8, voters across Texas will go to the polls to decide many important issues and races. One of those races is that of Houston City Council, District C. I sat down this morning with candidate and long term...
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Remember the ads...  Red Light Cameras are about safety, not revenue!  They rolled out the cops, they rolled out the firemen, they rolled out the ER Docs, all to drive home the point that this was a safety issue, not a...
According to the Houston Chronicle, City Controller Annise Parker heads into the December 12 Houston Mayoral runoff election a step ahead of former city attorney Gene Locke among voters in most demographic and geographic...
The New York Times reports that the Houston Mayoral Race is so close that few pollsters or strategists expect anyone to win the majority on the November 3rd election day meaning a run-off will be held in December.
It has been learned through my own independent investigations that Mayor Annise Parker is taking extravagant and lavish trips, all while indirectly undermining the efforts of Council Member Helena Brown to gain Korean...
The Obama administration is getting more and more sinister. Homeland Security Secretary (And Fast & Furious Felon) Janet Napolitano has released more information about the "If you see something, say something" program...
The results from the run-off election for Houston Mayor are in:99% precincts reporting:Gene Locke: 70,631 votes- 46%Annise Parker: 81,652 votes- 54%Houston is now the largest city to have an openly gay mayor.
734 of 734 precincts reporting (100%)Peter Brown:     39,456      23%Gene Locke:      43,974      25%Roy Morales:      35,802      21%Annise Parker:    53,919     31%
The City of Houston is financially broke after having operating losses totaling $1.5 BILLION over the last five reported years. Those losses have been certified by the City's independent audit firm each year. See page 199...



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