
"He is someone I consider a friend. He knows he is a son of Africa. Regardless of his African belonging, he is of Arab Sudanese descent, or of Muslim descent.
It seems like every day there are new reports of an organization or government agency that is discriminating against, or banning, Christianity. From the attempted banning of crosses at memorials to the banning of Christian...
“No boots on the ground and the rebels don’t want us” Secretary of Defense Robert Gates speaking of Libya at House Armed Services Committee March 31, 2011Obama the peace prize war monger vacationer attacked Libya after the...
Michael Yon gives the inside, uncensored story from inside Afghanistan.Who is Michael Yon? He is an independent war correspondent who has walked on countless patrols with US and Coalition troops in Iraq and now Afghanistan....
Obama Fought to Stop the Execution of a Mexican National who Raped and Killed a Young Girl in TexasEarlier this year, the Obama Administration fought to stop Texas from executing a Mexican National, Humberto...
Obama on Golf Course.jpg
Pajamas Media TV and Andrew Klavans "On the Culture" take a satirical look back at Obamas Summer of Recovery.  Lets see how President Obama is doing in comparison with former President Bushs programs on the economy, security...
In November of 1973, over the veto of then President Richard Nixon, a Democrat controlled Congress passed the War Powers Act (WPA) of 1973 as a means of clarifying the Constitutional powers of war and limiting presidential...
Does it seem like we are still at war?  You wouldnt think so listening to our President or most of the mainstream media.Yet, Americans know were still at war.  Consider the video posted below as proof.Powerline posted this...



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