Herman Cain-Newt Gingrich Debate Recap
The Newt And Herman Debate—America is “Entitled” to More Like This - "Critics complained that Newt and Herman agreed too much—so we cannot call this a debate. But that was what was so great. They were not looking for reasons to nitpick each other, or strutting for the punchy jab, or sinking into new lows of pettifoggery. They were refreshingly serious—no theatrics, no pettiness." - Debbie Georgatos
(VIDEO) The Cain - Gingrich Debate - TexasGOPVote Hosts Candidates in Blogger Room Q&A - Cain and Gingrich joined TexasGOPVote bloggers in a brief Q&A session after the debate Saturday. Click to see what both men had to say about government reform, entitlements, immigration reform, border security, health care, and the United Nations.
My Thoughts on the Cain-Gingrich Debate - "Both candidates helped themselves in their own way. Gingrich showed that he has the mastery of the issues and Obama better hope he doesn’t debate Gingrich for Gingrich would expose Obama's shallow policy knowledge. As for Cain, he is a good closer and there is a connection to the audience that he maintains." - Tom Donelson
Winners and Losers—The Lincoln Douglas Debate between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich is a Historic Step Forward - "Ironically, a candidate who was not in attendance also 'won'. Several ideas that started in this campaign with Texas Governor Rick Perry were touted by both Cain and Gingrich, such as more reliance on the 10th Amendment to the Constitution and the idea that the Founders set up the Federal system because 'competition is good', block grants to states, strategic multi-pronged approaches to closing the border, and loser pays laws to reduce frivolous lawsuits." - Mark Ramsey
(VIDEO) Cain-Gingrich Debate - Gingrich Adviser Peter Ferrara Talks in the Blogger Room - Newt Gingrich Adviser Peter Ferrara joined bloggers in the TexasGOPVote blogger room after the debate for an open discussion of ideas on how to grow our economy. Click to view video.
Cain And Gingrich Debate/Who's Not Serious? - Larry Perrault discusses the Cain-Gingrich Debate and the media backlash over the Cain harassment allegations. "[Traditional media people] live in such a constricted culture that they actually think the reflexes of them and fellow members of the professional political class are serious and important. They aren’t. They believe they know what is significant and need to enlighten the rest of us. They don’t.” - Larry Perrault
The Gingrich and Cain Debate: The Philosopher and the Empty Suit - "In an effort to bring an impetus of reform, we are attracted to a candidate who says all of the correct things that ring true in our ears with little if any substance. Are we not intelligent enough to understand that is how we elected our current leader in 2008? As Americans, we fell prey to the concept of change with the poetical speeches of the Obama campaign. Currently with Cain, we are hypnotized with the idea that a Rocket Scientist/Business man could reverberate solutions for our current disasters. Yet in hindsight, when we look over our eagerness for change, can we be honest with ourselves and ask, Have we not learned?" - Linda Vega
Video and Transcript of Cain-Gingrich Debate - Click to see video and transcript from the debate.
Cain & Gingrich: Cashing in on Fiscal Responsibility - Elizabeth Perez reflects on the Cain-Gingrich Debate. "Americans want to see elected officials who can truly relate to the people and who are intelligent enough to know how to get things done without hurting the taxpayer regardless of party affiliation. The time has come."
The Cain-Gingrich Debate On November 5, 2012 - A Great Disappointment! - "Cain and Gingrich want to do what Perry has already implemented in Texas and plans to do for America if elected as our president. It would be great to have Governor Rick Perry debate in this Lincoln-Douglas format so that we would have an opportunity to learn what he has in mind for America. As far as I am concerned Cain and Gingrich came to Texas to discuss Governor Rick Perry’s policies and if the audience did not get that, then where have they been!" - Sonja Harris
(VIDEO) The Land of OZ (Cain explains Opportunity Zones) - Herman Cain discusses "Opportunity Zones" in the TexasGOPVote blogger lounge after the debate. Click to find out more as Beverly Nuckols discusses further.
Ben Streusand, moderator, previews tonight's Cain-Gingrich Debate - Ben Streusand, Advisory Board Chairman of the Texas Chapter of Americans for Prosperity, gives TexasGOPVote a preview of the Cain-Gingrich debate between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich.
Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich Will Face Off Saturday November 5th in The Woodlands, Texas - Artemio Muniz discusses the positive and negative attributes Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich bring to the table.
An Historical De-Evolution in Presidential Candidate Evaluation - Cain and Gingrich go Back to the Future - Bob Price…"It is not very often that something unique happens in U.S. Presidential Elections. However, this weekend two of the top Republican candidates for President of the United States will step out of the box and leap 'Back to the Future' as voters will get an historic opportunity to evaluate the positions of these candidates in a way that has not been done in generations." Click to see video interview with Julie Turner about this historic event.
Cain & Gingrich: Making Cents? - Elizabeth Perez comments on our nation’s economic and fiscal issues to be discussed at the Cain-Gingrich debate. The national economic disease is also apparent here in the Houston area at the local level with: out of control spending, tax hikes and a deficit that leaves taxpayers soured with career politicians and their big interest lobbyists.
C-SPAN is COOL and it Does What NPR is Supposed to do All without ANY Taxpayer Funding - David Bellow discusses the cool factor associated with CSPAN, the network broadcasting the Cain-Gingrich debate. "Did you know that C-SPAN is COMPLETELY privately funded and does not get a dime from the Taxpayer or the Government. Yep, pretty shocking isn’t it? I bet most people thought that the government funded C-SPAN. After all, unbiased, public information networks could never survive without the government right?"
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates That Changed America - Mark Ramsey discusses the Lincoln-Douglas Debate. "This debate could change not just the election but the way campaigns and issues are presented."
The Importance of the Cain-Gingrich Debate - Julie Turner, President of Texas Patriots PAC, discusses the Cain-Gingrich Debate and its historical importance. Click to see video.
Texas Patriots PAC Hosts the Cain-Gingrich Debate 2011 - Julie Turner, Presidents of Texas Patriots PAC, discusses the upcoming Cain-Gingrich Debate and how it came about.