Herman Cain Tells Piers Morgan He is Pro-Choice on the Subject of Abortion
One thing for sure about roller coasters. They bring you up quickly and then they send you right back to the bottom! Herman Cain has been riding that rickety roller coaster right to the top of the GOP polls recently. But a recent appearance on CNNs Piers Morgan may send him spiraling to the bottom like a plane missing one wing. The wing Cain is missing will be the Pro-Life Wing of the Republican party as Cain clearly stated that he is pro-choice when it comes to the governments role in abortion.
UPDATE: See Cains reversal on this position.
Cain stated that he is against abortion and would even be against it if it involved a pregnancy caused to a family member by a rape. However, when it comes to people outside his family, it is Katy bar the door, wide-open Pro-Choice.
Here is what Cain told Morgan... "No, it comes down to is, it’s not the government’s role — or anybody else’s role — to make that decision. Secondly, if you look at the statistical incidents, you’re not talking about that big a number. So what I’m saying is, it ultimately gets down to a choice that that family or that mother has to make. Not me as president. Not some politician. Not a bureaucrat. It gets down to that family. And whatever they decide, they decide. I shouldn’t try to tell them what decision to make for such a sensitive decision."
Herman Cain will be in Houston next Tuesday at the Clear Lake Tea Party Rally... If I have the opportunity, I will ask him the direct question. Mr. Cain, do you believe the government has the right to protect life? What do you think he will say?
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"I believe that life begins at conception. And abortion under no circumstances," Cain said. Morgan asked Cain if that meant he felt the procedure was impermissible in cases of rape and incest, which many anti-abortion activists and conservatives carve out exceptions for. Cain reiterated that there were "no circumstances" under which he supported abortion. "If one of your female children, grandchildren was raped, <u>you would honestly want her to bring up that baby as her own?"</u> Morgan asked. Cain said that Morgan was "mixing" questions, but then replied: "No, it comes down to it's not the government's role or anybody else's role to make that decision. Secondly, if you look at the statistical incidents, you're not talking about that big a number. So what I'm saying is it ultimately gets down to a choice that that family or that mother has to make. Not me as president, not some politician, not a bureaucrat. It gets down to that family. And whatever they decide, they decide. I shouldn't have to tell them what decision to make for such a sensitive issue."</em><p>
Morgan had asked a new question regarding 'bring her up as your own'- Cain was responding to raising the child (versus giving up for adoption). People are incorrectly responding to that as if he was saying if abortion should be legal.The media has done this to all our Conservative candidates when they take the lead. They did it to Bachmann, they did it to Perry, and now they are doing it to Cain. They'll keep doing it until they can crown Romney.
Thank you for your comments. Let me respond to your words directly. You restated Cain's words that he believes life begins at conception and he is against abortion without exception. That is only part of a pro-life position. Many pro-choice people believe that and are against abortion. The question is, what is the government's role in protecting life. Morgan ask Cain if the mother of the child created through rape or incest should should be told to raise the child.
He said it was not the government's role to make that decision. It was up to the family and whatever they decide. The family has basically three choices. Raise the child, give the child up for adoption or have an abortion. He said the family has the choice to make. That is a pro-choice position. Morgan was asking about the choice between two options, raising the child, or abortion. He never introduced the third option as part of the equation so Cain was left talking about a two part choice. And he said it was the family's right to choose. Words mean things, and a president must be very careful in the words he chooses to use.
He can try to spin all he wants, but he said what he said. I hope to ask him the question again next week.
Mr. Cain, do you believe the government has the right to protect life and stop abortions except where the mother's life is in danger?
Cain is the Right Man at the Right Time.
Learning, not Chewing...
Larry, thank you for your comments. However, the primary process is not about chewing off our legs and arms, but rather, learning as much about our potential presidential nominee as possible. Unlike the Democrat party, we are not willing to let someone just become annointed as the party's nominee. We probably know less about Cain than any other candidate on our ballot. He must be tested if he is to win.
How do you think he is doing?