Brenda Z. Page: U.S. Representative Candidate (TX-18)

Edmund Burke once said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Looking at the world today, does it seem that it lacks a certain solidity? It does to me. In my search to better understand what was going on, I began to listen to both Democratic and Republican viewpoints. It was this that lead me to the Republican party.

Why will the Democratic party ultimately fail? It is the childlike idealism that we can borrow our future from mostly communist sources (China) and still retain our integrity. It is the lack of fiscal responsibility, the quick fix, the bandaid that is so alluring to them.

They weren’t the first to feel this crush and to go for the quick fix. Karl Marx’ basic point regarding capitalism was that it was dreadful. The workers are exploited and the capitalists get rich at their expense.

Yet, if it hadn’t been for a capitalist, Friedrich Engels, a Manchester mill owner, Marx would never have eaten, much less finished Das Kapital. Marx seems to be ok with capitalism as long as it supports the non-working classes.

Kick the struts out from under Democracy, and you have Communism. When the government owns banks, factories, and healthcare – you have Communism. When you get lazy – you have Communism.

I recall an old TV show called the Courtship of Eddie’s Father. In one episode, Eddie met a Soviet reporter and thought all the Communist ideals were fantastic. But when it came down to actually giving up toys to the collective, things got a bit dicey. Ultimately, they contended, Communism doesn’t work the way it should because people don’t like to share.

If I buy a car, should I give it to you even though you didn’t earn it? And yet, that’s just what we’re being asked to do. Hand over our hard earned tax dollars so that people who do not work can get subsidies.

We don’t have stability because we haven’t taken responsibility. We have allowed the government to run rampant over our rights. We’ve smiled and nodded at the quick fix. But what happens once all the money is gone? Borrow some more? And some more?

It is time for each individual to begin taking responsibility for what is happening with our economy. If I owed creditors $10,000, would it make sense for me to borrow $20,000 more to get myself out of debt? It’s ludicrous, and yet, our government is doing just that! The people receiving the handouts are glad, but who is ultimately going to pay?

Our national debt is larger than the total economies of China, the United Kingdom, and Australia combined. As of today, each person in the US would have to pay $39,893.47 to pay off this debt. Do we think this will just magically vanish someday? It won’t.

We need a serious, realistic approach to getting our National Debt back into perspective. This calls for someone with combined experience in both finance and law.

If this was a medical problem, you’d call in a doctor. Since this is government, Brenda Page is the answer. The question is: Are you ready for responsible government?

Brenda Page


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