Denton County GOP Hosts Congressman Louie Gohmert - Conservative Strategy & Victory Conference

Conservative and TEA Party favorite, Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX), will be the keynote speaker as hundreds of Republican grass-roots activists from across Texas gather in the DFW Metroplex for a day of learning and festivity. The Denton County Republican Party will spotlight Congressman Gohmert and many other noted conservative speakers during the one-day "Conservative Strategy & Victory Conference" on February 1st at the DFW Hyatt Regency located in the heart of Texas largest airport.

Congressman Gohmert will be joined at this conference by Mr. Rafael Cruz, the beloved father of Texas newest U.S. Senator, Ted Cruz. The conference will take place during the day, just prior to the Denton County GOPs annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner and celebration.

In an interview with TexasGOPVote, Denton County GOP Chair Dianne Edmondson said, "This is a must-attend event for conservatives who wants to not only hear about the challenges facing our state and nation today, but also hear about some actions we need to take to take back our country.

"The assembly of speakers is incredible and is a first for north Texas to have so many conservative experts in one conference covering so many different topics. And for those who can add the Lincoln-Reagan Dinner to their day, Sen. Ted Cruz (keynote speaker at the dinner) is, of course, just amazing!"

A press release from the Denton County GOP stated:

Louie Gohmert"East Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, who is a frequent contributor to FOX News, and whose indomitable nature has made him famous in conservative circles, will keynote the luncheon held for conference attendees. He is serving his fifth term in Congress representing East Texas’ First District, and was recently named Vice Chair of the Judiciary subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security.

"Rafael Cruz is a powerful example of the American Dream. Born in Cuba, Rafael lived and suffered under a cruel and oppressive dictator. He arrived in Texas in 1957 with nothing but the clothes on his back and one hundred dollars sewn into his underwear. He got a job as a dishwasher, making 50 cents an hour, and worked his way through the University of Texas, while learning English. Rafael later built a small business in further pursuit of the American Dream."

Other speakers confirmed for the event include; Congressman Michael Burgess, Republican Party of Texas Chairman Steve Munisteri, Pastor Stephen Broden, Texas Alliance for Life Executive Director Dr. Joe Pojman, former NFL running back and sports commentator Craig James, Forbes Magazine writer Merrill Matthews, Institute for Policy Innovation author Merrill Matthews, and "Being Black and Republican in the Age of Obama" author Karen Watson.

Topics for the event include; Culture War, Energy Independence, The struggling Economy GOP Messaging, When will Texas Turn Blue, Our Constitutional Firewall and much more.

Tickets for this spectacular day of learning and celebration may be ordered in advance via the Denton County GOP website. Tickets for the conference and the Lincoln-Reagan can be purchased separately or in a discounted package combination.


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