Voting to Hold Wall Street Accountable
When President Obama signed the 2,300 page Dodd-Frank Act into law, it created a system that added more than 400 burdensome financial regulations, allowed banks to become “too big to fail" and hurt small businesses and American consumers. That's why this week the full House will vote on H.R. 10, the Financial CHOICE Act, which will work to undo the mess created by the Dodd-Frank Act by:
- Holding Wall Street and big banks accountable by ending "too big to fail" policies that caused them to be bailed out by American taxpayers.
- Imposing enhanced penalties for financial fraud and deception.
- Making all financial regulatory agencies subject to the REINS Act, which allows Congress to review and vote on all new major federal regulations.
- Repealing sections of Dodd-Frank that limited capital formation and hurt small businesses, innovators and job creators.
- Restructuring the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to institute a single director removable by the President at will and make the agency subject to Congressional oversight and normal Congressional appropriations.
- Repealing the Department of Labor's fiduciary rule.
The Financial CHOICE Act will simplify the overly complex American financial system, create accountability and end "too big to fail" policies, and create new opportunities for investors, consumers and entrepreneurs. To learn more about the bill, please click here.
Click below to watch a short video detailing the Financial CHOICE Act.