Keeping Our Promise to America's Veterans

This month we honored our nation’s veterans, those that have answered the call to protect our democracy and our freedom. Our veterans’ bravery has made the United States what it is today- a country devoted to freedom, liberty and opportunity, where anything is possible.

America’s veterans have fulfilled their duty, and it is crucial that the federal government fulfill their commitment to veterans.

It has been over a year since we learned that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was manipulating wait times and putting the lives of veterans at risk. The House has acted to improve the conditions veterans are facing and hold the Administration accountable for misconduct at the VA.

This year, the House passed the VA Accountability Act, which I cosponsored. This bill allows the Department of Veterans Affairs to remove or demote a VA employee based on poor performance or misconduct. It’s unacceptable that this bureaucracy is failing those that have sacrificed so much for our country, and I will not rest until our veterans are assured they will always have prompt and easy access to top-notch medical care.

This year, I introduced the Physician Ambassadors Helping Veterans Act. This bill allows doctors to volunteer at VA hospitals to reduce wait times and fill in when there are staffing shortages. This simple idea could potentially help hundreds of veterans get quick access to the high quality and reliable care they deserve. I created a pilot program to get this good idea started in last year’s annual VA funding bill.

From the halls of Congress, to the White House, to VA hospitals across our country, America’s veterans deserve the very best support we can give them. If you are a Texas District 7 veteran in need of assistance with the VA, you can contact my office by clicking here and filling out the authorization form.

It is an honor and a privilege to represent you and Texas in the United States Congress.


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