Neil Cavuto tells it like it is about the Un-Affordable Health Care Act and the Debt Ceiling

Obama’s henchman, Senator Harry Reid, and Senate Democrats have not passed a budget in four years. The Senate’s obstructionist, do-nothing policy has refused every attempt of the House to make reasonable changes to the Un-Affordable Health Care Act that would be approved by the people. Changes need to be made such as giving the same waivers to the people as given to the large corporations, Congressional members, and federal workers.

This Administration has refused to keep the National Parks open, resulting in tremendous loss of revenue to lodging and restaurants within the park and ruining the vacations of thousands of tourists; barricaded the World War II Memorial to shut out Honor Tours of WWII veterans; and threatened Veteran’s Administration funding, among many others. Then we have establishment Republicans like Senators Peter King, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and others viciously attacking Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul and Congressman Louie Gohmert, who have been bold enough to stand their ground and serving as the voice of the people who elected them to the Senate and elected the House majority. When have we ever seen the Democrats shoot their own? It doesn’t happen!

It is despicable that 79 senators, including Texas Senator John Cornyn, voted YES on cloture, giving Harry Reid what he wanted! Conservative PACs and the RNC need to run hard-hitting TV ads on the mainstream media late night shows like Leno and Letterman explaining to the people which Party is destroying America if the out-of-control spending is not reined in before the debt limit ceiling is voted.

If not now, when? If not led by the Republicans, who, and why not? Read below what Neil Cavuto told the President.

Neal Cavuto of Fox News explained to President Obama why he, Barack Obama, not Fox News, is responsible for the problems with Obamacare and the debt..

Obama is blaming Fox News for 2/3 of the country disliking Obamacare. Here's Neil Cavuto's explanation, and it is great. If you don't understand what is bad about ObamaCare, please read his comments, and you will understand.

Mr. President, Fox News isn't what's making Americans sick about your healthcare law. Your healthcare law is. Welcome, everybody, I'm Neil Cavuto. And excuse this departure from form. But I think this is just poor form. So, it's time we set some things straight.

Mr. President, we at Fox News are not the problem. I hate to break it to you, sir. You are. Your words are. Your promises are. We didn't sell this healthcare law. Sir, you did. Remember this?

President Barack Obama:  "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period."

Mr. President, tell that to tens of thousands of retirees at IBM and Time Warner and dozens of others, who've been dumped from their coverage and told to find their own coverage. Fox News didn't break that news to them, Mr. President. Their companies did.

Fox News didn't push more of those firms to hire part-time workers. Your healthcare law did. Fox News didn't incentivize fast food restaurants to scale back their benefits. Your healthcare law did. Fox News didn't make doctors want to opt out. Your healthcare law did. Fox News didn't make insurance premiums sky rocket. Your healthcare law did. Just like Fox News didn't grant hundreds of exemptions to companies that needed them. You did. And Fox News didn't delay one key provision after another, including online enrollment for those small business exchanges. You did.

Just like it wasn't Fox News that said we had to pass this to see what was in this. You did. Or was that Nancy Pelosi? Sometimes I'm confused. But of this I am not. Fox News didn't re-do basic math. Sir, you did. Fox News didn't say you can cover 30 million more Americans and not see a hit in premiums. You did. Fox News didn't say you could throw in those with pre-existing conditions and not have to pay for it. You did. Fox News didn't all but say you could get something for nothing. You did. Fox News didn't come back years later and say, oh yea, we did raise some taxes. You did.

Here's where you are right about Fox News, however, Mr. President. We can do math. And did. You cannot. And did not. We said it, and proved it. You didn't. And we're all suffering for it. Take it from the numbers guy at Fox. Numbers don't lie. The number of Americans working part-time and nervous. The number of retirees days away from being dumped on exchanges and anxious. The number of company bosses with any news to pass along on those exchanges, but still clueless. The number of doctors who want out. The number of congressmen now opting out. No, Mr. President, none of those numbers lie.

But with all due respect sir, I can only conclude you do know; I know, I know you hate us at Fox. But please take a look in a mirror, and fast. You think we're the skunk at your picnic. But that doesn't mean we're the ones that stink. Because that smell isn't coming from the folks reporting on your law. Mr. President, that smell is your law.


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