An Opportunity to Deliver for the American People

The new American Congress presents a historic opportunity to deliver real solutions on behalf of those we serve. This week's adoption of H. Res. 5—the House rules package for the 114th Congress—is a positive first step in this process. The resolution establishes the procedures of the House and encourages members to fulfill their constitutional duties with integrity, transparency, and accountability.

Building on the work of Republicans over the last four years, H. Res. 5 continues our efforts to streamline House operations while making a number of important reforms. One of those reforms is the inclusion of nonpartisan macroeconomic analysis in official scores from the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation for major pieces of legislation. This change will give Members of Congress and the American people an accurate idea of the real-world effects of proposed legislation designed to grow the economy and create jobs. In addition, the resolution defends the House’s prerogatives within our constitutional system by providing for the continuation of legal actions against the Executive Branch.

Overall, this package demonstrates our continued commitment to an open process whereby Members from both sides of the aisle can debate the issues of the day and vote on legislation that will make a difference in the lives of the American people.


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