The Search for a Speaker Continues
The resignation of John Boehner as Speaker of the House and Kevin McCarthy’s decision to withdraw from consideration for the Speakership is dominating the news out of Washington. Headlines like, “House in disarray” and, “Chaos in the Republican Party” are how the news pundits see it. Well, I think that’s just dead wrong. Rather than rush into electing a new leader, what Kevin did by stepping aside was give the House time to sit back and ask, “WHAT do we want in the Speaker of the House, not WHO do we want?”
When I think of the characteristics I want in a new leader, the first item that comes to mind is a solid conservative. I am also looking for someone who is a good communicator and a good negotiator. I want someone who can get things done while not abandoning their core conservative principles. I want someone who fights for the things the people want and doesn’t give in just because of the threat of a Presidential veto.
In one of my recent town halls, someone brought up they want a Speaker with a desire to defend and protect the Constitution. Another suggested they want someone who is fully committed to our veterans. I'm all in with those suggestions as well.
While several members of the House have said they’d be interested in the position, I’m leaning toward one of the three Texans who are considering a run, but for now I want to see who all the candidates are before making a final decision. I will keep you updated as the discussion continues and feel free to send me an email or drop a comment on Facebook or Twitter and let me know what you’d like to see in the next Speaker.