Sen. Cruz Addresses Texas Water Day

Thursday I addressed the 13th annual Texas Water Day, hosted by the Texas Water Conservation Association, where I reiterated my commitment to reducing federal regulations that impact Texas water rights and water conservation and returning more regulatory authority to state and local governments: 

When it comes to water, Texas water interests are facing regulatory barriers at every turn. Whether its NEPA compliance, the Endangered Species Act, the Lacey Act, or procuring a section 404 permit under the Clean Water Act, you are running into barriers at every turn. Let me give you a very simple philosophy, I trust the men and women in this room a heck of a lot more than anyone in Washington D.C. – for one thing, you actually know where Texas is. I believe as much power as possible should be devolved to the states and the local governments, because they – the men and women here today – are a lot closer to the people. That is a principle that cuts across policy issue after policy issue.

The Texas Water Conservation Association is comprised of water professionals and organizations in the state of Texas. Its members represent river authorities, municipalities, navigation and flood control districts, drainage and irrigation districts, utility districts, and groundwater conservation districts. Their membership includes engineers, hydrogeologists, attorneys, government administrators, and numerous other individuals committed to Texas water resource management.


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