Texas Legislature 2013 - Hearing on NRA Supported Gun Rights Bills This Week
The following notice was sent out by the NRA's Institute for Legislative Affairs about Gun Rights issues before this session of the Texas Legislature. For those who support the Second Amendment, this is an important day to be in Austin and stand tall for your rights!
Texas House Committee to Hold Public Hearings on NRA-Backed Campus Carry and Open Carry Bills this Week in Austin
The Texas House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety will hold public hearings on the NRA-supported measures listed below this Thursday, March 14, in Room E2.010 of the Capitol Extension in Austin. This committee normally meets at 8:00 am, but with their full agenda, it is the intention of the chairman to take testimony on the firearm-related measures after the House adjourns from its floor session early in the afternoon. Please contact committee members and urge them to support these important pro-Second Amendment bills.
House Bill 972, House Bill 1313, and House Bill 706 by Rep. Allen Fletcher (R-Cypress), Rep. Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe) & Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (R-Southlake), respectively, would allow adult Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves in buildings and facilities located on the campus of a public college or university.
HB 1077 by Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington) would prohibit institutions of higher education from enforcing policies preventing students from lawfully transporting and storing legally owned firearms in their locked private motor vehicles parked on campus.
HB 1078 also by Rep. Kleinschmidt eliminates the criminal penalty against Concealed Handgun Licensees carrying for personal protection on the premises of an institution of higher education.
HB 700 and HB 1194 by Rep. George Lavender (R-Texarkana) and Rep. Chris Paddie (R-Marshall), respectively, would allow a person with a Texas Concealed Handgun License to have the option of carrying concealed or openly holstered.
House Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee:
Representative Joe Pickett – Chairman
(512) 463-0596
Representative Allen Fletcher – Vice Chairman
(512) 463-0661
Representative Philip Cortez
(512) 463-0269
Representative Tony Dale
(512) 463-0696
Representative Dan Flynn
(512) 463-0880
Representative Tim Kleinschmidt
(512) 463-0682
Representative George Lavender
(512) 463-0692
Representative Kenneth Sheets
(512) 463-0244
Representative Ron Simmons
(512) 463-0478
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