Texas GOP Vote Bloggers: Making a Difference?

On September 29, 2009, TexasGOPVote posted an article entitled, "Harris County Republicans Endorsing Democrats?" by Lauro Garza, commenting on the Harris County Republican Party (HCRP).

Mr. Garza pointed out that this party organization, represented by many local GOP elected officials, had all but abandoned the Houston Mayoral Race to the Democrats even though a well qualified GOP candidate was running a popular campaign. Three days later, Oct. 2, 2009, the HCRP Advisory committee finally endorsed Col. Roy Morales, the lone GOP candidate, for Houston Mayor. 

Mr. Garza led off his article with astonishment at the conduct of long time GOP office holder, Beverly Kaufman, Harris County Clerk. Mrs. Kaufman, with evidence provided by Big Jolly's David Jennings, was proven to have not only endorsed an Obama Democrat in the non-partisan race, but actively campaigned for him as well.

These events brought comments of disbelief and consternation from TexasGOPVote facebook fans and website visitors until more evidence came forward. Houston Chronicle then also asked the question "An ethical breach?" and summarized the events in its October 1 blog post. Then word came out on October 9 that Mrs. Kaufman announced she would retire. Did Kaufman endorse and campaign for Locke because she was retiring, or is she retiring BECAUSE of the fallout from campaigning for him? Mrs. Kaufman, reportedly, had made no mention of retirement previously... 

It appears that TexasGOPVote blogger Lauro Garza has helped encourage the HCRP to endorse Roy Morales and also helped shed light on the actions of Mrs. Kaufman. David Jennings also played an important role with his reporting.

Lauro Garza's blog at Texas GOP Vote and his hard-hitting commentary had a positive influence on Republican politics in his local area in support of the TexasGOPVote mission to "Restore, Renew and Reunite the Texas GOP." Let's thank Lauro for setting a great example for our bloggers, fans, and community!

Texas GOP Vote Bloggers: Making a difference? We think so.


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