Rep. Poe Introduces Pakistan Accountability Act

The following came in from Congressman Ted Poe (TX-2) - Pakistan has a lot of explaining to do. It seems unimaginable that Osama Bin Laden was living 1,000 yards away from a military base in a million dollar mansion built especially for him and no one in the Pakistani government knew about it. I don’t buy it.

That is why Tuesday I introduced the Pakistan Foreign Aid Accountability Act. My bill would require that Congress, and the American people, get a full understanding of what Pakistan knew about Bin Laden's whereabouts - and when they knew it - before we give them any more taxpayer money. This legislation would require the State Department to certify to Congress that Pakistan was not providing a sanctuary for the world’s most wanted terrorist.

Click here to view an enlarged version of the compound in Pakistan where Bin Laden was hiding.

Congress has already appropriated $3 billion to Pakistan for this year. Unless the State Department can certify to Congress that Pakistan was not harboring America’s number one enemy, Pakistan should not receive one more cent of American aid. This is exactly why we need to reevaluate the foreign aid that we send to countries that do not have America’s best interest in mind.

And that's just the way it is.

God and Texas,

Ted Poe


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