Sunday Health Care Bill Vote, Code Red Kill The Bill Rally, Live From Washington, D.C.!
TexasGOPVote is attending day 2 of Code Red Kill the Bill Rally will keep you updated with news and pictures from the event! Check here for the House's health care bill voting schedule.
ACTION NEEDED: Call Stupak's office and tell him to vote life! (202)225-4735
3:08 (EST): There is a large crowd outside the Capitol. Congressmen, including Rep. King, are on the porch cheering on the crowd.
3:13 (EST): Congressmen are holding up paper signs with the letter spelling out, "K I L L T H E B I L L" as the crowd goes wild!
3:16 (EST): Congressmen waving flags on the south side of the Capitol and holding signs that say, "Listen to the People!"
3:19 (EST): Congressmen holding up signs that say "NO" and "American people get it...Listen to the people!" They are also holding up American flags.
3:20 (EST): Rep. Steve King holds up a sign of Nancy Pelosi, and the crowd starts booing loudly with displeasure.
3:24 (EST): Rep. King points his thumb down in front of Pelosi picture, motions with his hand to get rid of her, and throws down the sign. The crowd cheers and chants, "No more Nancy!"
3:39 (EST): Congressmen continue to appear on balcony on the south side of the Capitol building.
3:41 (EST): A very small group of about 2-dozen people holding identically printed signs saying, "People of faith for healthcare reform!" It looks like union astroturf.
3:43 (EST): What a difference between the tiny crowd of astroturfers with their pre-printed signs vs. crowds of thousands of people who are against reform with their unique handmade signs.
3:48 (EST): Now a large group of Latinos from March For America walk right by and completely ignore the pro-health care group. The March For America marchers also know that the health care bill should be killed.
3:50 (EST): Rep. Stupak has made a deal with the White House and is expected to vote for health care bill.
3:51 (EST): Marsha Blackburn walks to the capitol and the crowd cheers.
3:55 (EST): Sign appears saying, "Let's meet at the state line."
3:56 (EST): Reps. Michele Bachmann and Maxine Waters appear side by side. Marsha Blackburn appears on the balcony.
3:58 (EST): Michele Bachmann waves to the crowd and goes inside.
4:00 (EST): Vote tally for Point of Order on Earmarks to Legislation: 230 YES, 200 NO, PASSED
4:01 (EST): Rep. Steve King appears at ground level of Capitol, he is now coming down to the crowd.
4:04 (EST): Steve Kings gets out megaphone and introduces the woman next to him as the "next governor or Oklahoma."
4:05 (EST): Ted Poe has come down and addresses the crowd. He thanks the crowd and tells them "NO" to government-run healthcare.
4:09 (EST): Michele Bachmann comes back out and says that everyone must call their congressmen now. Capitol switchboard number: (202)224-3121
4:10 (EST): Bachmann says government is planning to hire thoudsands of IRS agents to administer this!
4:11 (EST): Marsha Balckburn takes megaphone and says, "We have one goal today, KILL THE BILL!"
4:12 (EST): Bachmann says the Democrat leaders are still arm-twisting reps (like Stupak) and that Americans need to call their congressional reps now!!! She also mentions that she will "try to act like a lady," referring to the comment made to her by Rep. Arlen Specter.
4:16 (EST): Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson appears briefly on the way into the Capitol building- crowd boos at him.
4:20 (EST): Rep. Peter Hoekstra (MI) addresses the crowd saying that when it comes to a choice between Reid/Pelosi/Obama vs. Life, they are choosing life. Call Rep. Stupak to tell him to choose life at (202)225-4735
6:05 (EST): Congressmen still on balcony talking to the protesters:
6:14 (EST): Vote to end debate: 228 YES, 202 NO, PASSED
6:15 (EST) The House is now voting on the rules for debate, and if this is passed, then there will be a general debate to folow.
6:29 (EST): Vote on rules on debate: 224 YES, 206 NO, PASSED
6:30 (EST): House approves rules for debate on health care bill - general debate coming up.
8:00 (EST): The debate continues. The House will vote on the Senate version of the health care bill and reconciliation separately. The final vote is expected to take place around 9:15pm (EST).
10:06 (EST): John Boehner is making a great argument to close the debate with. He says the vote will be cast in a few minutes. He asks that every representative cast their vote one by one so that all of America can watch how each member of the House votes. The speaker has not yet decided if this request will be granted.
10:15 (EST): Speaker of the House Pelosi is introduces and comes to the podium- both cheering and booing is heard throughout the room. She praises President Obama- both cheering and booing are heard throughout the room once again.
10:32 (EST): John Boehner once again requested that every representative cast their vote one by one, but request was denied. The voting for the health care bill that was passed by the Senate on Christmas Eve, HR 3590, begins. The House still has other votes ahead, including voting on its reconciliation bill. ProPublica did a side-by-side comparison of the Senate bill and House revisions and posted it late last week so that you can view the changes.
10:45(EST): HR 3590 has gotten the 216 votes needed and has passed.
10:48 (EST): The final vote count for the health care bill, HR 3590: 219 YES, 212 NO, PASSED.
11:03 (EST): Procedural vote on Reconciliation bill: 199 YES, 232 NO, Motion is not adopted.