Travis County (Austin, TX) using Taxpayer Dollars to Sue Republicans over Redistricting
At the most recent State Republican Executive Committee meeting, I was informed by the State Chairman that he was served papers letting him know of a lawsuit against the Republican Party over redistricting by Travis County, TX. Why? Because Travis County does not like their Austin population getting split up. They want their own district all to themselves and they don’t care about anyone else. They want to draw the lines instead of the Texas Legislature whose members get elected to do draw the lines in redistricting. Districts have to have roughly equal population numbers in each district, and for that to happen there have to be districts where big cities get split up and put in a district with less populated counties so that the numbers add up and the district sizes stay reasonable. Otherwise there would be tiny districts in the big cities and then the rural counties would all be in one big district that spans 300 miles. All the other big cities get split up too. Stop crying Travis County and stop wasting taxpayer dollars. That’s right. The county is using tax money to do this.
It upsets me that when Democrats are in power they carve up the maps in Redistricting and they oppress the Republicans in every way they can, but now that the Republicans are in power, they whine about being oppressed when really they are not. Republicans rule the voting boxes in Texas and yet we are giving the Democrats HALF of the four new congressional seats that we are getting in Texas. That is very generous. We could have been like Illinois where the Illinois Democrats run things and they are virtually wiping the Republicans off of the map in their redistricting efforts. Many of the GOP incumbents no longer live in their old district, and the Democrats did as much as they could to put GOP incumbents in districts where they would have to run against another Republican in a primary. Why not the outrage about that? It is hypocrisy at its best.
The other notable lawsuit against Republicans over Redistricting is a lawsuit from Mexican American Legislative Caucus. They are suing because they want non-citizens to be able to vote and they make the absurd claim that only Hispanics and African Americans can best serve Hispanics and African Americans. What an absurd claim. You vote for a person’s values, beliefs, and what they are going to do. You don’t vote for someone based on the color of their skin. That is racism. The truth is that most minority groups are actually conservative Republicans in their beliefs.
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Travis County (Austin, TX) Suing Texas GOP