Beverly Nuckols

Beverly B. Nuckols, MD is Board Certified in Family Medicine and passed her American Board of Family Practice certification exam for the third time in July 2007. She graduated from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Medical School (1990) and Family Practice Residency (1993), and earned a Masters of Arts in Bioethics from Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois (2007).
Dr. Nuckols worked in private practice as a Family Physician in New Braunfels, Texas for over 10 years. She closed her practice in 2003 due to the bureaucratic hassles of HIPAA and now devotes much of her time to writing and public policy advocacy for traditional medical ethics and conservative bioethics, while working work part time for other doctors. She has given invited testimony to Committees in both the Texas House of Representatives and Senate and has been invited to speak about bioethics at annual conferences of the Texas Democrats for Life and the Republican Texas Conservative Conference, as well as various church groups and political clubs. Beverly has posted as “hocndoc” on since 1998, chased Texas’ Democratic Senators when they ran away to New Mexico in 2003 to avoid redistricting, and she has a blog and website called “”.
A former Board of Directors member of New Braunfels Hope Hospice and the Comal County Women's Shelter, Dr. Nuckols served as a member of the President's National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women from 2002-2005. She is currently Chair of the Family Medicine Section of the Christian Medical Association, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Texas Alliance for Life, a delegate to the Texas Medical Association for the Comal County Medical Society, and a member of the Legislative Commission of the Texas Academy of Family Practice. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of New Braunfels’ Options for Women and Legislative Issues Chair for the New Braunfels Republican Women.
Dr. Nuckols lives in New Braunfels with her husband of 36 years. They have two grown children and a granddaughter.
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