Daniel Garza
Daniel Garza is the Republican candidate running for U.S. Representative of the 15th Congressional District of Texas.
Daniel Garza is a husband, father of three, and concerned citizen with a background in law enforcement, government, and more recently education. As a young boy, he was raised with a deep appreciation for American values and learned the importance of hard work from his parents who made their living as farmworkers all through his formative years, migrating for six months through the States of California, Nebraska and Washington State following the crop seasons. The other half of the year was spent in the Rio Grande Valley and Garza Gonzalez, Nuevo Leon Mexico where his parents were born. Through all the adversity and the challenges he was able to go off to college at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, WA. Little did he know that he would someday be given the privileged opportunity to work as staffer for the President of the United States at The White House.
But long before that, he married his wife Micaela in Edinburg, Texas and soon after took a job policing the streets of Toppenish, Washington as a law enforcement officer. He saw a community in so much need of understanding and kindness. And so, he decided he wasn’t just going to watch things happen anymore, but was going to get involved directly to make a difference. He believed then and still believes now that the essential role of government is to serve its citizens. In gratitude for all he has received as a citizen of this great Nation, he have spent his entire adult life advocating for the defenseless, the voiceless and those who need a second chance to succeed.
Some time ago, Daniel Garza and his wife fulfilled a lifelong desire to permanently settle in the Rio Grande Valley, and raise their children there. Garza says that in South Texas, like in the rest of country, the American Dream is closely tied to our economy’s ability to generate jobs, yet our elected leadership is spending and borrowing our children into unfettered deficits and unsustainable debts. The direction our Nation has taken has caused grave worry and uncertainty.
He says South Texas should be a beacon of economic prosperity, but it has suffered the ravages of poverty for far too long under the current leadership; America is the land of the free, but that freedom is under assault by the current growth of government; Congressman Hinojosa promised to represent the 15th District, but Garza says he has grown so arrogant that he ignores the voice of its people. This is why Daniel Garza is running for Congress. He says no one will work harder for the 15th district and to restore America’s greatness.
You can follow Daniel Garza on Twitter and on Facebook.
Daniel Garza was also featured as a Voice of the Texas GOP.
Daniel Garza was also interviewed on Lauro Garza's Conservative Latino Radio Show.