Fernando Trevino

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Fernando Trevino Jr. is the Deputy Executive Director of Hispanic Republicans of Texas. Fernando graduated from George H. W. Bush School’s Department of Political Science at Texas A&M University. Born in Del Rio, Texas, Fernando later moved to Brownsville, Texas where he graduated from the Hanna High School Technology & Medicine Magnet Program.

During high school, Fernando worked as a district intern for a US Congressman, organized a high school Republican club, was a guest columnist in the school newspaper, and aided in founding a Tea Party organization in the Rio Grande Valley.

Since this time, Fernando has worked to elect various conservative candidates in Texas ranging from city council-members in College Station to Texas House candidates in HD 74 and HD 45, to Texas Congressional District 23 Republican candidate Francisco “Quico” Canseco. Aside from supporting candidates with similar beliefs, Fernando was also elected as a Delegate to the 2010 Republican Party of Texas State Convention where he not only learned more about the political process but was able to advocate for certain issues before the Party’s Platform Committee.

Fernando Trevino Jr. has also worked to advance conservatism by speaking to groups ranging from student organizations to local clubs to county Republican meetings to Tea Party rallies, including the Lone Star Tea Party, which had an estimated 18,000 in attendance. Most recently Fernando was invited to participate in the National Immigration Policy Summit hosted in the Arizona State Capitol Complex on July 31st, 2010. As a participant and speaker, Fernando illustrated the realities of living on the US-Mexico border and the need for not only more secure borders but sensible immigration reform.

Fernando was appointed by Governor Perry to serve on the Board of Regents for the 2011-2012 term and has been appointed to serve on the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation's Board of Directions until 2017.

Aside from being active in local politics, Fernando is a conservative columnist for Texas GOP Vote, Empower Texans, and Write for the Right, a site he co-founded in March 2009.

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