Sonja Harris

Sonja Harris is a native Texan and established photographer of over thirty years. Her images were featured in the ART AND EMBASSIES where the photographs were displayed in Lomé, Africa.
She is a documentary photographer using her talent for her articles. She began her career as a public relations photographer for the city of San Antonio and continued working for other major companies until she managed her own studio.
Sonja's photographs have appeared in local, national and international media and literature. Her never-ending series is entitled ‘Life on the Ranch’ depicting the various activities and complexities that it takes to own a small ranch. She is currently working on a series that requires traveling throughout the state of Texas, ‘Small Texas Towns’. Among her many awards for photography, in November 2014 she was the featured artist of the month for Freedom Works.
She is active in the arts community, advocating for love of the arts in its true beauty. Her interests lie in photography and anything that depicts the great state of Texas. She is a member of the San Antonio Art League and Museum in San Antonio. Presently she is vice president in charge of the 90th San Antonio Art League Juried Exhibition.
She is a political activist working on issues that affect Republicans conveying positive conservative messages to the electorate in Texas. Sonja is the founder of Conservatives in Action, a conservative on-line, Judeo-Christian blog. As such, she publishes timely, well-researched articles of interest to conservative thinkers. She advocates passionately for those Republican candidates and causes she believes in. She has been active in the Republican Party for over 25 years and together with her husband Bill Harris are the founding members of the Republican Club of Comal County. She has been a campaign manager, a club president, and delegate to several state and county conventions. She was also elected as an alternate to the Republican National Convention in 2012. In 2014 she was honored to receive the much earned SD-25 Volunteer of the Year.
As a conservative, she is a strong Pro Life advocate. She has attended pro-life rallies and anti-Planned Parenthood demonstrations, locally, statewide and Washington DC. She has done extensive research into the evils of the pro-abortion issues and written a number of articles for her blog, Texas GOP Vote and other venues. She has advocated all aspects of Pro-Life to End of Life, from conception to natural death. On numerous occasions, she has testified before committees of the Texas Legislature concerning life issues. She was part of the STOP Planned Parenthood coalition in San Antonio, Texas. She is the official photographer for the LIFE CHAIN in San Antonio.