(VIDEO) Blake Farenthold Comments on Close Race with Solomon Ortiz (CD-27) at NRCC Freshmen Republican Welcoming

The NRCC welcomed the incoming freshman Republican U.S. Representatives to Congress at the Capital Hill Club in Washington, DC on November 18. Blake Farenthold, representing Texas Congressional District 27, was present and commented on his close race against Solomon Ortiz.

"Im up by 797, Nueces County comes in this evening, we ought to have the results. Were having a conference call about how to proceed in Cameron County. Were just hanging in there, but you know, its kind of weird being not completely in. You dont get invited to everything. Im on some lists but not on the others. Ive got to hustle for some of the invitations, and I dont want to fall behind the rest of the class. The Republicans have been real good about including me in everything, but I still go to my mailbox and everybody else has these big thick stacks of stuff in their box and mine is 5-6 items. I have to ask other people, What am I missing?"

Solomon Ortiz has refused to concede the race to Farenthold. The manual recount Ortiz has demanded is still being conducted, but so far results show that Farenthold is still in the lead. Farenthold remarked that he is confident in the outcome.


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