
Wanted: Conservative Texas Governor

A sign hangs outside the gate of the scorched Texas Governor’s Mansion, “Wanted… Conservative Texas Governor”. The 2010 Republican Primary Election is just around the corner and Texas needs a strong Conservative to lead her and our nation in the fight against sweeping waves of the socialism that are rolling in from Washington DC. Where do we find this Conservative candidate for Governor? Read more about Wanted: Conservative Texas Governor

Healthcare Bill: The Fine Print Magnified


Does anyone actually have the time to prod through the convoluted text of Obama's proposed healthcare bill, HR 3200? Well at least I don't see myself getting cozy on my favorite chair with all 1,018 pages in hand. Fortunately for us, Peter Fleckstein has combed through every single page of HR 3200, summarizing the bill's shocking provisions! Here is a taste of his findings: Read more about Healthcare Bill: The Fine Print Magnified

Obama Compares Government-Run Insurance with US Post Office to Promote Healthcare Reform!


In Tuesday's town hall meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Barack Obama unwittingly compared government-run insurance with the US Post Office when attempting to dispel fears that his healthcare plan will lead to a single payer system. He argued that private insurers could compete with the government run plan by drawing an analogy to private companies that compete with the post office: Read more about Obama Compares Government-Run Insurance with US Post Office to Promote Healthcare Reform!

Who Does Sarah Palin Think She Is??

Who does that Sarah Palin think she is? Have you heard her comments on health care reform lately?

Here she is suggesting that a pain pill could be just as effective as an operation for a pacemaker.

Seriously? I guess that's Alaska medicine for you!

Next, she suggested that doctors are running a racket on tonsillectomies!

Allergies? Your doctor is going to confuse allergies for a tonsilectomy? What is she talking about? Does anyone believe this?

Finally, her comment just last week about doctors' preferred treatment of diabetes: not treating the diabetes itself in order to make more money waiting for diabetic patients to need amputations. So I guess an ounce of prevention no longer equals a pound of cure?

Where is the mainstream media on this? Why aren't they calling her out on these blatant misrepresentations? Where is Sarah Palin's medical degree? Who does she think she is?


In case you have not figured it out yet, the above was sarcasm. President Obama actually made those statements.

The Consequences Of A Government Takeover of Healthcare


On concerns from constituents regarding health care reform:

Saturday I was in Austin at a community health center, along with Congressman Lloyd Doggett, who had previously had an experience with some constituents who were upset about the direction of the health care debate in Washington, DC. And I must say, rather than what I’ve seen publicized in some corners that some people have said that one side or the other is represented to the exclusion of the other side, I must say everybody who had an opinion seemed to be well represented at the event I attended in Austin.

Mortgage Bailout: Another Democrat-Issued Flop

With the stimulus plan failing to do any good, we can only assume that the same will go for the government's $50 billion mortgage-modification program. Read more about Mortgage Bailout: Another Democrat-Issued Flop

Why So-Called "Healthcare Reform" Is A Scandal


There is a lot of chatter in the air about why we do or do not need federal “reform” of health-care in The United States. Americans need to be clear on the substance and the priority of the relevant questions.  Read more about Why So-Called "Healthcare Reform" Is A Scandal

A Doctor's Perspective of the Healthcare Bill


An e-newsletter was recently sent out by Dr. Steven F. Hotze, M.D., founder of the Hotze Health and Wellness Center, in which he explains the ramifications the healthcare bill will have on doctors' treatment of patients.

We do not want politicians rationing our medical care and telling people that they are somehow too old or too sick for treatment. We do not want politicians deciding which treatments will be available, and which will not.
Whom do we trust more: our doctors or our politicians? Of course we trust our doctors more than our politicians. We must keep and defend our freedoms, starting with our most fundamental freedom to choose the medical care that we need most.

Ted Nugent on the Second Amendment

Evan Smith, editor of Texas Monthly, discusses Gun Rights with legendary musician and activist Ted Nugent. I wonder if Ted was holding back any...if so, itd be interesting to know how he really feels!!! Read more about Ted Nugent on the Second Amendment


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