John Cornyn

Letting the Taliban dictate our military strategy is an absolute disgrace. We have a commitment to every American and Afghan ally to get them out safely.
Honey bees play a tremendous role in our lives pollinating plants and producing honey, and their hard work contributes a whopping $15 billion to the American economy every year!
I cannot support the final bill. It isn’t paid for, will add too much to the debt, and was rushed through the Senate in a week’s time without adequate debate or input.
Yesterday on the floor, I called for a vote on my amendment to make several categories of infrastructure investments eligible for leftover, unspent Coronavirus Relief Fund and State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund dollars....
This year, Capitol Police and National Guard soldiers, many of them Texans, have worked around the clock to help keep our nation’s Capitol secure. This legislation supports their work without jeopardizing future security...
I joined Senate Republicans in a letter to President Biden urging him to abandon his effort to impose a capital gains tax increase on family-owned businesses, farms, and ranches.
U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and I recently released the following statements after introducing the Taiwan Partnership Act, which would establish a partnership between the U.S. National Guard and Taiwanese...
Keep your saddle oiled and your gun greased because the “National Day of the Cowboy” – the fourth Saturday in July – is finally here.
They will eventually go home after the cameras leave and after the press loses interest in this political stunt. It's telling that these Democrats and this House of Representatives chose to race toward TV cameras in...
EB-5 investments are a major economic driver in Texas. EB-5 projects use merit-based immigration to create thousands of American jobs and bring billions of dollars in investment to major urban areas like Dallas and Houston,...
There’s no question that al-Qaida, and ISIS, and other terrorist organizations will use this as an opportunity to reconstitute themselves and be a threat not only in the region, but to the American homeland.
Democrats’ budget provides a roadmap to paying over a trillion dollars a year to service the debt they’re eager to run up. This reckless tax-and-spending spree is fundamentally bad policy, and I’ll keep fighting it tooth and...
Vietnam has demonstrated its strategic value in the Indo-Pacific region, and remains a welcome partner in security cooperation. However, the Vietnamese government continues to demonstrate a troubling record in human rights,...
Recently on the floor, I emphasized the importance of having an open amendment process available to members of both parties on the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
This legislation would stop those who have been barred from selling drugs by the DEA from skirting the law and help stop the distribution of opioids by bad actors.
The Crime Victims Fund brings justice to survivors, and victims, and families in the wake of serious trauma. This legislation will protect the solvency and the longevity of that fund and reverse the devastating funding cuts...
I believe the Senator from New York wants this vote to fail because he really wants to go the partisan route; namely, the big, ugly, multitrillion-dollar spending spree that Bernie Sanders and others have been advocating....
It’s clear that there were catastrophic failures at multiple levels of law enforcement, including federal agents who should’ve taken action and willfully neglected to do so.
Yesterday U.S. Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and I sent a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) urging him to consider targeted legislation that would offer permanent legal status specifically to...
I will firmly oppose any effort to hand Texas' constitutional rights to regulate and conduct its elections to the federal government.



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