
Two Texas educators were honored with the Milken Educator Award last week. The Milken Educator Award, known as the "Academy Award" of teaching, is given to individuals with great contributions to education, who inspire and...
Just in case youve ever wondered how much environment the government will allow you to destroy, watch the video below!
In a recent post entitled "Steep Decline in Americans' Belief in Global Warming," the Huffington Post whines that "Americans seem to be cooling toward global warming."Just 57 percent think there is solid evidence the world...
As Virginia's November 3 gubernational election is approaching, polls show Republican Bob McDonnell, a former state attorney, ahead of Democrat Creigh Deeds, a former state legislator, by nearly double digits. The contest...
Recent videos have surfaced of ACORN employees in Washington, Brooklyn, NY, Baltimore, San Diego and San Bernardino, CA giving advice on how to skirt tax laws and avoid detection by authorities while operating a brothel....
Yesterday, Texas GOP Vote blogged about the Democrats in the Oversight Committee boycotting a vote on whether or not to subpoena the documents related to the Friends of Angelo program. Thirty-three people were counted...
The New York Post reported today that
On September 29, 2009, TexasGOPVote posted an article entitled, "Harris County Republicans Endorsing Democrats?" by Lauro Garza, commenting on the Harris County Republican Party (HCRP).Mr. Garza pointed out that this party...
John C. Crawford, a senior citizen from Texas, has sent the video below, at his own expense, to every single congressman and senator in the United States to try and persuade them to do the right thing and vote against the...
If global warming is such an urgent and impending crisis, then why did Obama wait nine months to issue this simple request to the federal government? Here are some quick and effective ideas for what federal government could...
The Democrats are scrambling to do everything and anything they can to get the 60 votes needed to pass their healthcare bill. Hear what Republican senators Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn have to say about the new "opt-out"...
Texas GOP Vote recently received a message from a woman named Norah asking,What has the Republican Party really ever done for the people of this Country? I know they say they are religious and all have good morals. But, that...
Ronald Sass, a Professor of Natural Sciences at Rice University recently had an article published in the Houston Chronicle titled “Perry ignores best sources for climate-change advice." In this article he criticized Governor...
The Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas W. Elmendorf testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee  recently regarding the long term effects of the cap-and-trade provisions of H.R. 2454, the...
Below is a video of each of the Houston Mayoral candidate's closing remarks from the October 12 debate. You can view this page for more information about the Houston Mayoral race.
Democrats decided to take matters into their own hands Thursday when Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight Committee, was set to call for a vote on whether or not to subpoena the documents related to...
Seems like the White House just can't stop campaigning! Now they seem to think they need to spend their time attacking Fox News! No wonder they aren't governing!White House Communications Director Anita Dunn is leading the...
This video is continued from A Citizen Speaks Out! - Part 1. John C. Crawford, a senior citizen from Texas, has sent the video below, at his own expense, to every single congressman and senator in the United States to try...
Happy Columbus day! ...or not. According to an AP article, the liberal left is starting to incorporate a darker side of Christopher Columbus into our elementary schools.Columbus' stature in U.S. classrooms has declined...
It was announced today that Obama has received the Nobel Peace Prize. On accepting the award, he said that he is now commander in chief of a country that is responsible for ending the war. But what about his own countrys...



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