Socialism 101

Texas GOP Vote's latest featured "Voice of the Texas GOP", Colleen Hammond, recently wrote a blog post about Obama's new proposed socialistic regime. Hammond tells a story about an economics professor who conducts an experiment on his class- a class of college students that insists that Obama's socialistic plan, where no one would be poor and no one would be rich, was a great equalizer.Through his experiment, the economics professor is able to show his class just how Obama's plan will unfold:

Appeasing Iran . . .

Remember the Iran-Contra affair?  This was the big "scandal" of the Reagan Administration and the Administration's low point.

In essence, the individuals involved traded arms to Iran for hostages (in this case, living hostages). In addition, funds from the arms sales were diverted to fund "contras" fighting Marxist governments in Central America.   Read more about Appeasing Iran . . .

Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing: Senator Cornyn's Opening Statement

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said it best "unless you have a complete meltdown, you're going to get confirmed."  While us conservatives can hope for an elventh-hour miracle, the writing is on the wall. There's no way that Sotomayor is not getting out of committee - and with now 60 Democrats in the U.S. Senate, there's no way she's not getting confirmed. The best the GOP can do now is put her to the test. Read more about Sotomayor Confirmation Hearing: Senator Cornyn's Opening Statement

The Lone Star is on the Rise Again

Traditionally, The Economist is known for its "Liberal Internationalist" view on economic and political matters; hardly the type of magazine that one would think to embrace conservative values. However, as any student of economics will tell you, one of the prime assumptions in any economic model is "rationality" - reason, logic, whatever you want to call it, Texans have got it! Read more about The Lone Star is on the Rise Again

Iran's Nuclear Ambition and Us


We all watched the brutal suppression of peaceful protesters after the recent  "free" elections in Iran. The results of the election lead us to, at the very least, wonder "what is the Obama team thinking"?  You can't dialogue with someone who wants to destroy or just hurt you.

  Read more about Iran's Nuclear Ambition and Us

Want a reason to oppose "Cap and Trade"? Here's fifty!

National Review Online has provided a public service by posting fifty reasons to oppose the "Cap and Trade" bill (i.e., energy tax bill).  


Here are some of my favorite reasons for hating this bill:

  • #22 - Your showerhead and faucet will now be federally regulated
  • #24 - The EPA is coming up with environmental standards for YOUR home.  Want to sell it?  Better make sure it's in compliance!
  • #25 - Own a business property?  You'll need to reduce energy use by half by 2018.  I guess you could just turn out all the lights and crank the air up to 76 degrees.  Think your tenants will mind?
  • #28 - For that same business, you will also have to start keeping track of your emissions.
  • #44 - An energy based welfare check, yes, you read that right.

Remember, the reason for passing this bill is global warming.  Is that still going on? Read more about Want a reason to oppose "Cap and Trade"? Here's fifty!

The Economy is Still Stuck...

It is now the "Obama Economy". Congress passed, with virtually no GOP votes, the Administration's stimulus plan.

With unemployment now exceeding 10%, the stock market signalling the recovery is not here yet, and with the economy still generally slow - we have to ask ourselves "what happened"? Read more about The Economy is Still Stuck...

North Korea's Cyber Attack on the U.S.

The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, US-CERT, was busy undoing the destruction endured after the U.S was cyber attacked over the Fourth of July weekend. The lead suspect behind this attack is North Korea, especially since South Korean government websites were also attacked.

An article reports states that North Korea is becoming more and more of a threat each day. "Kim Jong-il understands that a shut-down of the internet, while no lives are lost, will spell economic disaster for the United States."

Cap and Trade will Hurt Texas

Several days ago I issued a statement on President Obama's cap-and-trade proposal. As has already been pointed out on a Texas GOP blog post, those that will suffer the most under this bill are my fellow Texans.
Read more about Cap and Trade will Hurt Texas


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