
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
With both the physical and economic health of our country in crisis, this bold legislation is our best path forward.
The Department of Health and Human Services has awarded seven grants to health centers in the 23rd congressional district to continue combating the current pandemic. The funds awarded to the community health facilities...
Following the Senate Democrats’ decision to play partisan games and block the Senate’s third bipartisan emergency coronavirus package, yesterday I 
Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order that temporarily closes schools, bars and gyms – and limits restaurant service to takeout and delivery orders only amid COVID-19 concerns. 
Crude oil prices have plunged 45% so far in March and are at the lowest level since 2002. The energy market has been slammed by a slump in demand because of the virus pandemic and a price war between some of the world’s...
Amazon announced it will suspend stocking non-essential items at distribution centers to focus on “high-demand” critical items. The suspension is slated to last until April 5.
The moves announced Wednesday came as the White House and Congress worked on economic proposals to contain the fallout from the coronavirus.
While the Trump tax reform provided a nice boost to the economy there is still unfinished business. Specifically, all our taxes are NOT indexed for inflation, which is bad. This needs to change.
Oil prices dropped as much as 30% following the unexpected Saudi decision to cut prices and boost production. The move reflects the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus and its economic effects.
Chris Wallace TBIC
Lawmakers and business leaders attended a recent fundraiser hosted by the Texas Business Immigration Coalition in Dallas to discuss the critical role immigrants play in the North Texas economy and called for commonsense...
stop sign
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo (D) issued a “Stay Home, Work Safe” order for the nation’s third-most populous county in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The order impacts the nation’s 3rd most populated city, Houston,...
small business
As we continue to join together as a nation to fight COVID-19, I wanted to share some important information on the actions Congress and the Administration have taken to assist small businesses. 
healthcare workers
President Trump initially kept reasonable travel restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but with the virus spreading inside the United States, he is already shifting from minimizing its threat — his first...
Congress and the Administration are set to begin negotiations on a “phase three” package aimed at securing our economy as communities work to fight the novel coronavirus.
A day after posting its biggest drop since the Black Monday crash of 1987, the Dow jumped as Congress prepared a measure to help cushion the economic blow of the coronavirus.
H2B visa
The Trump Administration recently announced that it will make an additional 35,000 non-ag guest-worker visas available this year in order to help seasonal American businesses with anticipated workforce shortages in the...
When women are empowered to be active participants in their community, economy and society, countries are more stable and prosperous. Our legislation will build on the tremendous success of the Administration’s W-GDP...
I appreciate the Fed’s action to safeguard the gains we’ve made in the face of challenges, and urge my fellow Democrats to reconsider their plans to raise taxes. America’s economy is more resilient thanks to the pro-growth...
Texas Railroad Commissioner Ryan Sitton addressed the ABC/CMEF 2020 Inaugural Celebration on January 16.



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