
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
That difference especially once again highlighted the divide that exists among Republicans on the topic of immigration reform. Curbelo, for example, campaigned on a promise to tackle immigration reform. He recently joined...
In efforts to keep employers apprised of President Obama’s executive action on immigration reform, Monty & Ramirez LLP will provide weekly tips and updates to employers regarding this executive action.
When President Obama could not get what he wanted from Congress on immigration, he simply issued an executive order. Now, it seems Governor Rick Perry is following President Obama’s example.The Legislature has on multiple...
This past Tuesday the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) — an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide—gave an award to the most influential journalist in America, Jorge Ramos. The award...
From the Office of Rick Perry - Gov. Rick Perry today highlighted the ongoing need for the state's border security operations, and called on Congress to quickly pass a bill to provide the resources necessary to secure our...
Originally published in the Houston Chronicle.President Barack Obama's Thursday night announcement constitutes historic, sweeping and necessary action to not only do what is the right and humanitarian thing for the...
Last week, President Obama announced his Immigration Accountability Executive Action (IAEA). The IAEA addressed Employment-Based immigration issues that are meant to boost the United States economy.I. Portable Work...
My fellow Americans, tonight I’d like to talk with you about immigration. For more than 200 years, our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations.
Houston, Texas — Today several conservative and business leaders in Texas called on the Texas delegation to work toward passing meaningful immigration reform in Congress as soon as possible. Participating in today’s event...
The following article is authored by Stan Marek and originally posted in the Houston Chronicle.Now that the election is over, political news has quickly become dominated by the impending immigration showdown between...
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) just introduced the bipartisan Immigration Innovation Act (I-Squared), which aims to liberalize and expand the immigration system for highly skilled workers.As virtually all the research shows,...
In an effort to keep employers apprised of President Obama’s executive action on immigration reform, Monty & Ramirez LLP has identified 10 steps that every employer needs to do now. Listed below are the 10 steps every...
President Obama’s executive action on immigration revealed some deep-seated problems with our immigration laws. They include broad grants of presidential discretion, arbitrary immigration restrictions, and complicated quotas...
ImmigrationWorks USA held a national conference call to discuss President Obama's announcement of an executive action that will grant work permits to up to 4 million unauthorized immigrants – primarily parents of U.S....
Americas Majority Foundation, an organization that I work with, held several polls over the past three months, including post-election polls. In August, the foundation polled 1100 Hispanics, and in a national post-...
People should be in JAIL over ObamaCare!What Gruber exposed about the “crafting” of the ObamaCare lie is, as Katie Pavlich put it recently, tantamount to a corporation lying about a product it sells.Katie rightfully said...
Governing by executive order is no way to run an immigration policy, let alone an entire government. But the resort to unilateral action does not happen in a vacuum; it is borne out of poorly written, arbitrary and confusing...
I will be answering questions about the executive order this morning at 11am EST/10am CST.Here is where you can watch: Submit your questions by tweeting: #catoconnects and follow @catoevents
There is much to agree with in Richard Samuelson’s essay. My disagreement arises from three main sources. First, Samuelson undervalues how important relatively freer immigration is for maintaining American values and...
Yesterday, a source close to the White House leaked what they claim is the administration’s plan to address immigration – a 10-point executive action that, among other provisions, would suspend deportation orders for up to 4...



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