
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
Conservatives are torn over the issue of legalization for illegal immigrants. Some, like Sen. Marco Rubio, support a path to citizenship for many illegal immigrants, while others, like political scientist Peter Skerry,...
I’m still a little astonished that one with no past or current demonstrated fidelity to constitutional/conservative principle is making such noise as a Republican presidential prospect. But clearly Donald Trump is mainly...
The majority of my clients are women. The majority of the cases we hear are about abuse and human rights issues, and although I would like to refer the case or turn it down, I can’t. “Help as many as you can,” echoes that...
In a recent blog post, I noted that the most intriguing debate would be the Donald of today against the Donald of just a few years back as he has made several shifts in his position. For me, I was never sold on Trump as a...
Donald Trump has been losing business left and right because of his harsh rhetoric on immigration. He’s also been gaining in the polls in his bid for the White House.
Texas and California are trying to reform legal migration on their own. The politics in these two states couldn’t be more different, but legislators in both states recently proposed running their own guest-worker visa...
There are two Hispanic Americans campaigning for the GOP nomination for the presidency, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. They have many similarities; they are both US senators, Cruz from Texas and Rubio from Florida. Both are sons...
Despite the Tea Party’s big electoral victories, many of their top priorities were smashed against the armor bolted onto the upper chamber – much to the consternation of its new presiding officer
On Thursday, April 23, 2015 San Jose Mission in San Antonio, Texas held its very first naturalization ceremony during National Park Week. It was an exciting day for the 49 men and women from 22 different countries, including...
A Houston business leader who is a staunch Republican and a chief ally of archconservative Steve Hotze on Thursday said he has had enough of Tim Dunn spokesman Michael Quinn Sullivan’s attacks on Rep. Byron Cook, R-Corsicana...
Donald Trump’s newly released immigration position paper is the precise mix of fantasy and ignorance that one would expect from the newly self-described Republican.
Some of his proposals are based on assertions that have been broadly debunked. He portrayed undocumented Mexican immigrants as uneducated criminals who have been living off “hundreds of billions” of American taxpayer dollars...
The alleged murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco by illegal immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez has reignited the debate over the link between immigration and crime.
Sanders and Trump have shaken up the party establishment, and as Instapundit Glenn Reynolds observed,
The New York Times has some wonderful Room for Debate pieces debating whether the American electorate is getting more liberal.
The flow of unauthorized immigrants to the United States has collapsed. The apprehension of illegal immigrants by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the best proxy measurement of the flow of such people, along the...
West Texas Drive (KRFE AM 580 – Lubbock) has offered its weekday afternoon radio venue to host an immigration debate between Michael Quinn Sullivan of Empower Texans/Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and Norman Adams of
Fom Hillary Clinton’s Nevada speech in favor of immigration reform to Jeb Bush’s unwavering support for it, every presidential candidate in both parties is busy staking out a position on immigration.
It is irresponsible to allow people to drive without a license or permit, no matter where they are from or their legal status, and it is unfortunate that this legislation never made it to the House floor for consideration....
Evidently your staff had nothing better to do on Mother’s Day than to falsely accuse State Representative Byron Cook via your TEXAS SCORECARD by suggesting that Cook is supporting legislation that the majority of Texas...



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