
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
Houston, TX -- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Partnership for a New American Economy, American Farm Bureau Federation, Business Roundtable, AmericanHort, Western Growers, and the National Association of Manufacturers today...
Governor Rick Perry is working with Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to identify options that can immediately address the Texas border crisis. Earlier today Gov. Perry said Texas doesn’t have “the resources, nor the...
The following article was posted on know it’s hard to pull away from the day-to-day routine of life. We’re all busy trying to keep up and move our families ahead. But while we’re grinding out our...
Truthfully this was the most chaotic and contumacious convention in respect to the platform I can remember. A ‘mob’ mentality rushed through the audience as we were voting on the Amendment to replace the Immigration Plank....
The following article was written by Duke Machado from flag “Don’t Tread on Me,” with the snake coiled and ready to strike, came to life and struck the Hispanic Republican movement in Texas.Tea...
IMMIGRATIONAmerica is proudly a nation of immigrants. Throughout our history, our nation has attracted productive, industrious and gifted people to America because she is exceptional, and those immigrants and their...
The following is research conducted by Texans For Sensible Immigration Reform:Introduction:When you need advice you talk to someone you trust because you know that person's view of the world...
Sen. Patrick hedges his bets while the rejection of gay Republicans raises questions about exclusion of immigration hardliners.The Republican Party of Texas’ faithful will gather in Fort...
The following is a letter Texas Federation of Republican Women's former President, Carolyn Hodges:Dear RPT Delegates to 2014 Convention, In a couple of weeks, we will all gather in Fort Worth for our convention and take care...
Dear Republican Party of Texas Delegate,Thank you for agreeing to serve as a delegate to the 2014 RPT Convention.During the convention delegates will be asked to ratify our Republican Party of Texas Platform. The Platform is...
When I get a phone call from a media source saying they want to interview me, I know they have “program time” to fill. And as a participant, I am the “filler.” I never turn them down, but I am seldom optimistic about the...
David Brat won a stunning and surprising victory in last week’s primary election in Virginia, unseating House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.). But Brat doesn’t seem to understand the very issue that seems to have...
[Editor’s Note: Mark Ramsey is a member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC), was a member of the 2014 State Platform and Resolutions Committee in Ft. Worth, and wrote the amendment that passed...
Former State Rep. Sid Miller, candidate for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, stopped by the GOP Impact booth at the 2014 GOP Convention. He responded to questions relating to immigration and shared his vision for a plan that...
We visited with Alex Nowrasteh at the 2014 Republican Party of Texas State Convention. Alex is an Immigration Polity Analyst for Cato Institute and has spent countless hours researching facts about immigrants and their...
As the delegates to the Texas Republican State Convention gather to craft the Party’s message for the general election cycle, no issue seems to animate the base more than illegal immigration. While the delegates will...
Isn't the Texas Solution in the 2012 RPT platform actually amnesty?Actually not. Going back to the 2010 RPT platform would be closer to amnesty than the 2012 platform. Why? Because the 2010 platform did not...
Hello. I’m Norman Adams, a delegate from SD-15, Houston, Texas. appreciate the fact that you’ve come to this convention. I know what these conventions are like; I like to compare them to a root canal. Let’s hope we have a...
“I have said many times that I want to see common-sense immigration reform pass. I think most Americans want to see the problem fixed.” - Senator Ted Cruz on immigrationThe 2014 Texas State Convention could prove to be a war...
Texans will soon be heading to the largest Republican State Convention in the US in Fort Worth on June 5 – 7. Delegates and Alternates will convene to decide on convention rules, the Texas platform and to vote for different...



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