
Immigration and border security go hand in hand. The border must be secure, and the Republican Party has to put forward a plan to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. President Obama’s executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. That way, no one gets a free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.
Panelists at the Una Nacion Under God – A Dialogue: The panel consisted of Ivan Andarza, an immigration attorney, Dr Alex Mendes Director of Hispanic Ministries, Evangelical Free Church of America, Dr Richard Land...
US Senator John CornynSteve Munisteri chairman of the Republican Party of Texas has done a great job with the Grassroots Club. On April 1, the Grassroots Club members were invited to a brunch at Cisco’s Restaurant in Austin...
An important statewide conference will be taking place in the beautiful Texas State Capitol from 10 AM to – 3 PM on Saturday April 6th, at the Capitol Grill (enter in the main capitol building).The theme of the event is...
Construction mogul Donald Trump stood before CPAC last week and called for a de facto amnesty for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in this country. Trump said Republicans should block immigration reform because...
For a long time now, I have been saying that doing nothing about our broken immigration system has created a de-facto amnetsty for the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. Now the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is...
This week, the Washington Posts Peter Wallsten posted an article discussing the current immigration reform debate and exposing leftist groups from the Tanton Network who are "masquerading as conservative". Of course, if you...
Co-written by Eduardo AguirreMitt Romney's defeat in the 2012 presidential election has been met by many Republicans as a challenge. If they hope to regain the White House, the party must address important...
In 1992, I was invited to go on a deep sea fishing trip off the coast of Mexico. We were to fly from Los Angeles to Guadalajara. Even though at the time one could travel to Mexico with just a driver license or birth...
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has called the Super Bowl "the single largest human trafficking incident in the United States." According to Forbes Magazine, the Super Bowl held in Miami, Florida in 2010 saw an...
Texas has an estimated 1.7 million undocumented immigrants living between the Red and Rio Grande Rivers. Houston alone is home to about 600,000 of those. Texas has a 1200 mile border with Mexico (the longest of any state)....
For several years, TexasGOPVote and have been sounding the alarm about issues related to employee misclassification and why this is a problem for Texas taxpayers and businesses. The 2011 Legislative...
It is clear that border security and immigration reform are two separate issues. Yet the two must be linked together as we try to develop a responsible solution to both of these problems facing our nation. Today, in Houston...
Too often Republicans play defense on policy issues and allow Democrats (and the willing media accomplices) to control the language and tactics of the debate. Immigration reform has certainly been one of these areas....
Many times laws written by the legislature have unintended consequences. The 2011 Texas Legislature passed a law requiring the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to verify proof of citizenship or legal immigration...
This week the Obama Administration released illegal immigrants who were being held in custody pending deportation hearings in advance of the looming sequestration. Is this just another propaganda move to put pressure on...
There are many reason why we need to address our national immigration policy. The current system is broken. It is a national security problem. It creates and encourages lawless behavior. But in addition to these problems...
In an announcement today from his Washington, D.C. office, Houston Congressman Ted Poe has been named to serve as Chairman of the 58 member Immigration Reform Caucus (IRC). This news is very important for those who believe...
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way" is great advice for any wanna-be leader, especially those we worked so hard to elect!When it comes to immigration reform, Senators Cornyn and Cruz should be involved! Texas shares a 1,...
It is difficult to fathom why in 2013 some faux conservative researchers at the Center for Immigration studies (CIS) still make use of eugenic fallacies to paint Mexican immigrants as genetically inferior. Perhaps it is...
Last week, the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW) took another bold step showing that the Texas Republicans want to lead the way on reasonable and sensible immigration reform laws. The time has come for our nation...



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