McCaul Requests COVID-19 Vaccines are Readily Available for Teachers, Students

I sent a letter the House and Senate leadership asking that vaccines be readily available for teachers and childcare workers to ensure they can safely return to school and childcare.

In-person learning is invaluable and enriches our students learning and social experiences. As we near a year since COVID-19 began to impact our everyday lives, it is the duty of our leaders to implement meaningly measures that will safely and effectively get us back to normal. Students and teachers should feel safe when stepping foot into the classroom and by ensuring that those who want the vaccine can readily receive it, we can make them feel confident about expanding in-person learning.

Over the last year research has found U.S. students’ 2020 learning levels were lower than that of 2019. My legislative request to leadership would help states to safely reopen schools and alleviate the stresses that come along with COVID-19.

Read my full letter here.


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