Court Documents Say Texas House Candidate Kyle Biedermann Mentally Abused his Children; Was Physically Abusive to Their Mother
A judge banned him from seeing his kids or even speaking to them on the phone
Documents have surfaced that contain information a candidate for Texas House, Kyle Biedermanm, from the Hill Country was mentally and physically abusive to his family members.
Biedermann is running against Rep. Doug Miller from New Braunfels in a Republican runoff on May 24. He is the same candidate who dressed up as “Gay Hitler” during a costume party and explained it by saying he is “not gay and never have been. Don’t know anything about Swingers Clubs and no desire to find out.”
Mr. Biedermann calls himself a “Christian conservative,” but legal documents suggest otherwise. A judge called Biedermann a “very sick” man who at one point was ordered to stay 100 yards from his family members and to avoid contacting his daughters by telephone.
Texas voters should do their research on candidates for public office who claim to have conservative values. The documents include:
Original petition (First petition of divorce)
Supporting Affidavit: (Troubling document.) This is just one person’s side, but it is a sworn affidavit.
This document includes:
- Discussion of his physical abuse (throwing objects at his wife and hitting her with a thrown boot)
- Alleges violent temper, mood swings, erratic behavior, physical, emotional and verbal abuse
- Humiliating spouse in front of children
- Discussing adult topics with children
- Told kids that his wife is ugly due to C-Section
- Does not take the kids in for tooth decay to be cared for
- Daughter broke both wrists and he refused to let her be taken to doctor; Mom snuck her and x-rays showed two broken wrists
Original Temporary Restraining Order (9284 TRO): This document establishes the first restraining order, which the judge later claimed had been violated by Biedermann.
Extension of the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO Extension): This document shows that the judge had to extend the restraining order.
Hill Country CASA Report (ordered by the judge in the interest of the children): This confirmed the shoe throwing incident. Biedermann acknowledged that he had gotten an erection while playing with his girls. He also admitted to the name-calling.
Order on Telephonic Emergency Hearing (5/31): This is when the judge allowed Biedermann to take his kids on a trip to Florida
Emergency Telephone Conference (Transcript of 5/31 telephone hearing): This is the transcript of a telephonic hearing. This was precipitated by a request by Kyle Biedermann to take the kids to a previously scheduled vacation. The court, being unable to find evidence of sexual molestation at that time, let him take the girls. Allowing Biedermann to take the vacation led to the later emergency orders to keep him away from his family.
Brief in support of Sua Sponte Order (Brief Sua Sponte Order): This was the evidence presented by Biedermann’s spouse about the various ways he had violated the judge's orders. This includes a large number of transcripts of recorded conversations between Biedermann and his daughters.
- Page 5: Beginning of excerpts of the doctor’s summary report
- Page 6: Biedermann had been prohibited from sleeping nude with his four young daughters. After being ordered to stop this, Biedermann decided to “reward” his daughters by letting them, one by one, sleep alone in a bed beside his as a “special treat.” He said he did it because his kids wanted it.
- Page 24: It is at this point that Biedermann realizes his conversations are being taped.
- Page 26: Biedermann says he cannot say what he wants to be cause he knows they are taping.
- Page 27: It was discovered that Biedermann was breaking the court’s orders against him by contacting his kids by calling at school and asking to speak to them. Biedermann threatens his employee, his spouse's brother, to get him to make his sister let him talk to the kids in violation of the court order. Then he did the same with a friend of his who he played basketball with.
Emergency Sua Sponte Order (8/22): This document was precipitated by his bad behavior during the above-mentioned Florida trip. The judge was incensed and banned Biedermann from any contact with his daughters, even by phone. He was also required to stay 100 yards away from them.
Emergency Telephone Conference Transcript (8/22): This is the transcript of the telephone hearing that led to the above Sua Sponte order.
- Page 3-4: The judge calls Biedermann “very sick” and that he was intentionally violating the order against sleeping with his daughters. The judge also says he has no alternative other than to protect the daughters.
- Page 5-6: The judge says that as a result of Biedermann’s actions, the daughters were going to have emotional problems in the future. The judge also refuses the request of Biedermann to have access to his children again because the children are in “danger.”
- Page 6: Biedermann’s attorney claims that Biedermann had not been sleeping in the same bed with his daughters for 1 month. The judge angrily disagrees.
- Page 7: The judge says he does not believe Biedermann anymore and that any sleeping with his daughters violated the restraining order no matter when it happened.
- Page 10: The judge says that Biedermann has been mentally abusing his daughters.
Third Amended Divorce Petition: There were three divorce petitions filed. Each time, issues were added as they were uncovered or as they occurred. This is the third and most complete petition.
- Page 8-10: Biedermann is accused of slamming his wife’s arm in a door in an attempt to hold her inside a house. She accuses him of blocking the door of the bathroom to keep her from escaping from him. The document also details things that she said happened prior to the divorce proceedings. The list of actions Biedermann is accused of continues until Page 10.
The above accusations were made under oath and sworn to.
Motion to Strike: This document is a response to the respondent's motion to strike brief which banned Biedermann from his wife and children by 100 yards.
- Page 7, Item F: This includes excerpts of the psychological report prepared by Dr. Jack Ferrell. Dr. Ferrell discusses Biedermann’s penchant for sleeping in the nude with his daughters (ages 4-9). It discusses how Biedermann was forbidden by the court to sleep with his daughters at all, which Biedermann circumvented by putting a second bed next to his for a daughter, one at a time, to sleep in.
To view a complete set of all the documents obtained, click here.