Landrieu's Last Gasp!
The recent Senate vote on Keystone was the Democrats' way of sticking to one of their own, Mary Landrieu. In a desperate move to save Mary Landrieu’s career and pull out what now appears an insurmountable lead by her opponent Bill Cassidy, Harry Reid scheduled a vote on the Keystone pipeline to give Mary Landrieu one last chance to show she has clout and maybe by a miracle save her Senate seat.
The house already passed the Keystone pipeline and allowed Landrieu's opponent, Bill Cassidy, to garner the credit for shepherding it through and even managed to get at least 31 Democrats to join in. So Mary Landrieu begged her fellow Democrats to allow debate to continue and at least give her 60 votes to get Keystone to a full Senate vote. But alas, Democrats who already cut off funding for her campaign now crown her this final indignation; they fail to even give her the 60 votes to close debate and send this to the floor for a final vote.
If nothing else, it also shows that when push comes to shove, the Democrats will side with the Green lobby over the common working man and woman who is forever enshrined by the left. The disdain the left holds for blue color worker is remarkable, but even worse, the disdain for developing a North American version of OPEC is baffling since Keystone is one of those no-lose situations. Jobs for blue collar workers, many of them union members, helps a close ally just north of our border and reduces our dependence upon countries, who quite frankly, hate us like Venezuela. And this would give the Democrats one last shot of winning one more Senate seat going into 2016 when they may have advantages. It allows the Democrats to keep a foothold in the Deep South, a woman would support their agenda 90 plus percent of the time, while denying the Republicans additional cushion going into the 2016 elections. The good news for Republicans is that the Democratic left is cutting Landrieu loose and allowing Republicans to coalesce support among blue collar workers for 2016. The Green lobby can now claim Mary Landrieu’s scalp and give the Republicans an opening to be the energy development and job creator Party.
Here is another story. What if John Boehner told a pregnant female representative who is under Doctor’s order not to travel in her late stages of pregnancy and who lost two legs in Iraq to boot? What would the media reaction be? Tammy Duckworth was pregnant and under doctor's care and yes, she lost two legs in Iraq, but Nancy Pelosi tells her, rules are rules and you have to be present in Washington to have your vote count on leadership in the caucus. Nancy Pelosi gave Duckworth the middle finger and yet where is the outrage? We know if the situation was reversed and it was a Republican leader that did this, the media would be howling about a Republican war on women. Meanwhile the Democratic war on women continues as one female Senator is left to dangle in an embarrassing loss and another is told sorry, and too bad you are pregnant, you can’t vote by proxy. (By the way, Representative Duckworth had a healthy baby girl. Wonder if Pelosi sent a card?)