Protecting Americans Against Domestic Spying
The Obama administration has begun working with the National Security Agency (NSA) to write new rules regarding data sharing with other domestic law enforcement organizations like the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration. While I understand that there is a need for surveillance of foreign terrorists, drug lords, and other shady characters, Americans' privacy and Fourth Amendment rights should not be sacrificed. What the Obama administration is suggesting is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment, and I do not believe that the data of law-abiding American citizens should be shared.
Recently, I joined with Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), and sent a letter to Admiral Michael Rogers, Director of the NSA, expressing our opposition to these new rules. The NSA got right back to us saying that sharing within the intelligence community will not infringe on the Fourth Amendment because their focus will be on foreigners. After the Snowden revelation, however, I’m not satisfied the response is a true remedy to the public’s privacy concerns. I will continue the fight to protect your privacy and keep you updated on my efforts.