Texas GOP Vote Blogger Debbie Georgatos Hosts New Radio Show, “Ladies, Can We Talk?”

Debbie Georgatos, TexasGOPVote blogger, and author of Ladies, Can We Talk? America Needs Our Vote! now hosts a one hour radio show, “Ladies, Can We Talk?” The show premiered on February 4th 2014, and will air weekly on Tuesday mornings.

Debbie brings to America’s political dialogue a unique mix of lawyerly logic, patriotic passion, and a friendly and personal tone. She is frequently interviewed on talk radio to share the conservative woman’s perspective that rejects big brother, nanny-state government, and the state’s growing intrusion into more and more areas of Americans’ daily lives.

Debbie’s show is on America’s Web Radio, live on Tuesday mornings at 9am EST, and is replayed periodically throughout the week. You can tune in live at AmericasWebRadio.com, or go to Debbie’s Host page and click on the Archived shows to listen any time. Go here to find the show line-up and click on Debbie’s show to learn more.

Debbie speaks to the heart of American women about American-style liberty and the unparalleled opportunity, success, achievement and potential it has brought American women (and everyone!). She inspires women to embrace liberty and free markets, and to reject liberal political messaging and enticements that treat women as victims continually in need of some new dependency-creating government program.

Debbie speaks to women’s groups and conservative organizations of all kinds around the country, filled with ‘it’s about time a woman said that!’ messages that are resonating everywhere. Just one recent example: “Women are more noble, intelligent, capable and unselfish than liberal politicians think they are.”

Rafael Cruz, father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, translated Debbie’s book into Spanish, and describes it as a “must-read” for every American, “not just women!” LCWT is available in English in paperback and on e-book, and in Spanish, on Amazon, or at Debbie’s website, www.ladiescanwetalk.org.


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