Top Generals Tell the Truth About Afghanistan

As chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I've been conducting a months-long investigation into the Biden administration's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

This week, two of America's top former generals — who oversaw the withdrawal when Afghanistan was imploding — testified before the committee and told us the real version of what happened.

They told us the fundamental mistake was the State Department's delay in calling for an evacuation. 

Essentially, the State Department and Biden White House's failure to plan led to the chaos in Afghanistan, the abandonment of Americans and our allies under Taliban rule, and the Abbey Gate bombing that took the lives of 13 U.S. service members.

Several family members of those 13 heroes attended the hearing, and I'm glad both generals met with the families to apologize — something the president of the United States has never done for them.

Click to watch my opening remarks at the hearing.


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