Veterans Town Hall a Success

This week I spoke with local veterans at American Legion Post 364 in Corpus Christi. I heard their concerns about access to healthcare and the incredible backlog in disability claims. After all their service and sacrifice, I am continually shocked at how the Department of Veterans' Affairs is repeatedly unable to do things like respond to veterans in a timely manner or fulfill their basic benefit claims obligations.

I reported on my veterans work, including the amendment I proposed last week to strip pay for VA employees who had received unsatisfactory marks on their performance reviews. Many VA employees can't be fired, but by using its power of the purse, Congress can improve things by eliminating the salaries of the worst culprits of VA negligence. On April 30th, the House passed the Military Construction and Veterans' Affairs appropriations bill, which I supported because it increased funding for Veterans' Affairs and included much needed management and healthcare reforms while not increasing taxes and staying within the House passed plan to balance the budget. We were joined by Eric Hamel, a staff member from the House Veterans' Affairs committee, Nueces County Vets Officer Toby Cross, and Victor Polanco of the Texas Veterans Commission.

Also present were some of my team of red-tape cutters to assist our veterans navigate the complexities of VA bureaucracy. I find it disgraceful that our veterans sometimes must come to their Congressman to get the benefits and care they have earned, but until the problems at the VA are solved I promise to have my red-tape cutters ready and waiting to help our veterans with their needs. If you ever need help with the VA or another federal agency, don't hesitate to call my office at (361) 884-2222.


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