Online Debate: Should Illegal Immigrants be Allowed to Serve in the US Military?

This post is one side of an ONLINE DEBATE between Norman Adams and Shirley Spellerberg.

Norm--Times have changed drastically in America and around the world since WWII. At that time radical Islam did not present a problem to US security.

To think that any illegal who takes an Oath to defend America is telling the truth, is naive. We know that Jihadists believe that anything they say or do is okay, according to Allah, in order to achieve their goal of killing the 'infidels' (non Mslims).

The sacrifices made by those non-citizens, who served in our military in the past is appreciated. However, under today's threat of Jihadists, it is time to re-think our policy of permitting those in our country illegally to join the military. And, it is time to vet those already in the military, citizens and non-citizens alike, as to any ties they may have with those who are out to destroy us.

Amnesty is awarding any benefit to those who have entered our country in violation of existing immigration laws. Your plan called a "Sensible Immigration Plan" is Amnesty whether or not you want to acknowledge it. Your tireless effort to incude the SIP in the 2010 Republican Party Platform was soundly defeated both in the Platform Committee (on which I served) and on the floor of the RPT 2010 convention. Your contractor friends in the Texas Association of Business and the Chamber of Commerce prefer to hire illegal aliens who will work for much less than Americans as they put business profits above the Rule of Law.

Sorry, Norm, but those who violate our immigration laws and those who promote that violation are putting self-interest above our state and national interest. I shall continue to work against Amnesty by whatever name is devised to hide it. I invite others to do likewise.


"Sorry, Norm, but those who violate our immigration laws and those who promote that violation are putting self-interest above our state and national interest. I shall continue to work against Amnesty by whatever name is devised to hide it."
You are precisely right.  Spellerberg for President!

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