WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS & VIDEO - The Fogel Family Tragedy - Action Required!

It occurred to me the other day while I was working on a CIA Bulletin informing about the Texas billboards and pet situation just how blessed we are in Texas and America. As I continued to think how blessed we are, I also thought about all the thousands of people in Japan having to endure such a devastating blow to their country and economy. The painful loss of lives and the wiping out of entire families is unimaginable to most of us. The earthquake and the tsunami that followed were nature’s plan. It is difficult for any of us to not know the pain and losses that Japan is presently experiencing because of the wide TV coverage. Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Japan.

In another part of our world, in a small Jewish settlement a beautiful Jewish family was exterminated, massacred by Palestinian terrorists. In fact, the Palestinians are believed to be from the Palestinian neighborhood just next to the Jewish settlement of Itamar. If it were not for a faithful CIA that brought these murders to my attention I would have never known as the MSM has not made much of this ‘incident’. The lives that were snuffed out by these Palestinian terrorists were the parents Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their children, 11 year old Yoav, 4 year old Elad and a three month old infant girl, Hadas. I try not to think about how they lost their lives. The terrorists slit their throats one by one. This heinous act was not an act of nature but an evil act intentionally perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists. It is not easy for me to type the word ‘intentionally’ knowing that children were part of this barbaric ritual.

Tamar the 12 year old daughter was not at home at the time of the attack and was spared. Two of her siblings, Ro’ie age 8 and Yishai age 2 also escaped the slaughter of the Palestinian terrorists. The five Fogel family members were laid to rest in Jerusalem on Sunday afternoon, March 13, with 20,000 attending. The terrorist or terrorists, who committed the evil acts on Friday night, the Sabbath, have not yet been apprehended. It is unusual that photographs are released to the public, but in this instance the Jewish people have had enough. They want the world to see what is happening in Israel. They want us to know what they have to endure while ‘living’ on their own land. They want us to know they want to live in peace even under these horrible circumstances. They want us to know that the Palestinians celebrate with sweets, music and dance while the Jewish people suffer painful losses at their hands. They want us to know that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and not a settlement.

It seems that the Palestinian terrorists have made it their goal to kill as many Jews as they can. The apparent reason for the killing is the fact that they were Jews living peacefully in Itamar. The murders have only strengthened the resolve of the Jewish people. In response to the killings the ministerial committee announced that they intend to build 400 more housing units in the West Bank. Israel and Palestine are supposed to be ‘peace partners’ but this act of violence is evidence of how fragile the peace discussions are. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas must now prove that he is indeed willing to bring peace. This barbaric slaughter of innocent children does not show any signs of harmony. Obama the ‘unifier’ has criticized Israel for building in the West Bank. This disapproval has not helped the peace negotiations between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Abbas.

Yes, we are blessed living in Texas and America. While we do have a president that cares little about Americans and especially outspoken, keep your money attitude Texans, we are working very hard to cut this gangrene from our lives. We must let Americans know what is happening in Israel.

Ruth Fogels parents live in davids section of Jerusalem.........d and d attend shiva b/c almost everyone in arnona is responsible for the other...up to 2008 every Jew was responsible for the other........

They slaughter us..we build homes...guess who is criticized for "cycle of violence"? those who enable such kafkaesque judgement .....well....you know.. thanks for glick....shes great conscience of world......and cute, besides being one of the most capable women on the planet.........a straight thinker, logical as well.

Dalia and I lived next door to Motty Fogel years ago, whose brother Udi was killed by terrorists over shabbat. This is what Motty wrote on his wall, and is attached... "My brother was murdered last night, anything else I can write would be Cliche"

May their memories be for a blessing...

MARCH 11, 2011


Press Release, March 13, 2011

Palestinian Authority incitement to terror
prior to the murders in Itamar

For more information call Palestinian Media Watch at +972 (0)2-625-4140

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

In the period prior to the murders of Ruth and Udi Fogel and their three children in the Israeli town Itamar, the Palestinian Authority continued to encourage terror by glorifying terrorists as heroes and role models and through calls for violence. In addition, in an act that sent a clear message of support for terror, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas awarded $2000 to the family of a terrorist who attacked and tried to kill Israeli soldiers - just 2 months ago.

The following are some examples of terror promotion in the period leading up to the terror attack in Itamar on the West Bank two days ago in which terrorist(s) murdered five members of an Israeli family:

Abbas awards $2000 to family of terrorist In December, a Palestinian terrorist carrying two pipe bombs ran towards the soldiers at an Israeli checkpoint, screaming "Allahu Akbar" - "Allah is Greater". The soldiers shot him before he could detonate the bombs.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas granted "the relatives of the Shahid" $2000:
"The governor of the Jenin district, Kadura Musa, has awarded a presidential grant to the family of the Shahid (Martyr), Khaldoun Najib Samoudy, during a visit that took place yesterday in the village of Al-Yamoun. The governor noted that the grant is financial aid in the amount of $2000 that the President [Mahmoud Abbas] is awarding to the relatives of the Shahid, who was recently killed as a Martyr at the Hamra checkpoint by the Israeli occupation forces." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah) Jan. 25, 2011]

A day before the terror attack in Itamar:
"Advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas... The weapons must be turned towards the main enemy [Israel]"

"Advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas and under-secretary of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, Sabri Saidam, delivered a speech... He emphasized that the weapons must be turned towards the main enemy [Israel] and that internal differences of opinion must be set aside. Saidam noted the awful living conditions of the families of Shahids [Martyrs], in the country and outside of it, and as proof he said that the allowance to the family of Shahida [Martyr] Dalal Mughrabi [leader of the bus hijacking in 1978 in which 37 civilians were murdered] is a mere $123. He demanded of the Palestinian people to treat the problems of the families of these Shahids seriously, and emphasized that the anniversary of Dalals Martyrdom-seeking (i.e., her terror attack) should be amplified by inaugurating a square in her name in the city of El-Bireh." [Al-Ayyam, March 10, 2011

Read the entire PRESS RELEASE http://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&doc_id=4793

MARCH 14, 2011


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas in Jerusalem on September 15, 2010 with Hillary Clinton

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