rolls out media campaign to stop the new "Rain Tax" proposed under Houston's Proposition 1
The No Rain Tax PAC rolled out its new media campaign to StopPROP1. The brief infomercial takes a humorous look at how this radical proposition came to be. It enforces the point that Proposition 1 promotes a new onerous "fee" that will negatively impact all Houstonians including residents, businesses, churches, hospitals, schools and your favorite charities.
It also talks about the lack of controls that are in place in this proposal to protect Houstonians from ever increasing fees or to prevent some future Mayor or City Council from moving these "dedicated" funds into the General Fund.
Yes, Houston needs better roads and drainage. But we are already paying taxes to cover that. How many times do you want to pay for the same service? This is not the proper solution for this problem and must be defeated by the voters of Houston as it was when over 44,000 people signed petitions to stop the first version of this plan in 2003.
Please watch the video below and help us StopPROP1. Visit for more information.
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