TexasGOPVote Blogger Endorsements: Paul Simpson
Paul Simpson was surrounded by supporters as he filed Wednesday to run for Harris County Republican Party Chair.
Simpson stated he is running because, “We are in a fight for the future of Texas. Harris County is a key battleground. To win, the GOP needs to rebuild, ground up. But reform must start at the top. That's why I ask for your vote in March 2014 for Harris County Republican Chair.”
Simpson continued, “As Harris County GOP Chair, I will bring a lifetime of leading civic and conservative Republican organizations to empower a Strong grassroots organization with a Solid positive conservative message backed by financial Solutions.”
A lifelong pro-life conservative, Paul has advanced conservative Republican political causes as a hands-on conservative activist since high school. His political activities – campaigning, recruiting, mobilizing, precinct organization, election judging, and conventioneering, and serving as legal counsel and treasurer of the county party – give him the practical expertise and ability to lead the Party to political resurgence. Paul has honed his skills by also leading non-political volunteer civic organizations, demonstrating his ability to recruit, organize, and lead volunteers in everything from blockwalking neighborhoods to a successful multi-million dollar fundraising campaign.
Paul is a graduate of Rice University and University of Houston Law. He has been a partner with the law firm of McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore since 2001. Paul and his wife Kathy have been married for over 28 years. Their son, a recent college graduate, and daughter, a college senior, are both Houston natives and proud Republicans! To get involved with Paul’s campaign to Take Back Harris County, please join him at his Campaign Kick-off Party on December 11, 2013 at 6:30Pm at Cafe Adobe on the Katy Freeway. To learn more, contact Kelly Horsley at [email protected] or please visit www.SimpsonForGOPChair.com.
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