Montgomery County Commissioners Court
August 5th, 2019
Update: The Montgomery County Commissioners Court approved three new CIT deputies.The following post was authored by Brenda LaVar, Vice President of NAMI Greater Houston:
May 5th, 2015
“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.George Santayana (paraphrased)
April 24th, 2013
Is the sale of the jail, which the County will continue to lease, the best way to resolve the problems the County has created by building a jail which the County does not currently need?Texas law allows Counties to issue...
October 3rd, 2018
For the first time in 28 years, a Democrat is challenging a Republican for the position of County Judge in Montgomery County, Texas in the November elections. Both candidates claim fiscally conservative platforms.
August 15th, 2013
In 2006, Montgomery County Commissioners Court unanimously issued $45 million in revenue bonds (no voter approval necessary) to finance the clumsy scheme known as the Joe Corley Jail. Voters were told at the time that the 1,...
February 14th, 2013
In 2006, the Montgomery County commissioners created the Montgomery County Jail Financing Corporation in order to build the Joe Corley Detention Facility. To finance the facility’s construction, the commissioners sold $44.8...